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[Closed] Wavelength with Sin
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Jun 12, 2012 3:20 pm
Here is possible solution with damping.
another way is to use something like sin(t)/t but you need to include if statement to avoid div by zero – > if t==0 then f(t) = 0.
periods = 5
periodLength = 10.
amplitude = 10.
boxesPerPeriod = 20.
dampingCoef = 80.
boxsize = [1,1,1]*(units.decodevalue "1cm")
totalBoxesNum = periods*BoxesPerPeriod
step = periodLength/boxesPerPeriod
for i = 0 to totalBoxesNum do
dampingZ = (exp(-i/dampingCoef))
func = (abs(sin(180/boxesPerPeriod*i))*amplitude) * dampingZ
obj = dummy pos:[i*step , 20, func] boxsize:boxsize
If you need damping along X axis add second damping coef.
As for your code use
z = abs(sin(180.0x/num))amplitude(decayB[/B])
Jun 12, 2012 3:20 pm
Along with the dampening comes two things.
A shorter wave and a lower amplitude though.
right now it is just doing a lower amplitude.
1 Reply
As i said in previous post – add coef. ro X axis.
periods = 5
periodLength = 10.
amplitude = 10.
boxesPerPeriod = 20.
dampingCoef = 50.
boxsize = [1,1,1]*(units.decodevalue "1cm")
totalBoxesNum = periods*BoxesPerPeriod
step = periodLength/boxesPerPeriod
x = 0
for i = 0 to totalBoxesNum do
dampingZ = (exp(-i/dampingCoef))
--print dampingZ
func = (abs(sin(180/boxesPerPeriod*i))*amplitude) * dampingZ
obj = dummy pos:[x , 20, func] boxsize:boxsize
x +=step*dampingZ^0.5
Just find the right numbers.
Jun 12, 2012 3:20 pm
I must have not tried large enough numbers. I was messing around with what you had mentioned but was not noticeably seeing any results.
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