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[Closed] warm-up before challenge #5


I did not cheat in photoshop. What would that prove, that I have the PS skills of a 9 year old?

Here is my cheating device. It’s much shorter, and has less to do with the actual subject matter and more of punishing Denis for polluting the global scope.

	for i = 1 to 16 do ns[i].text = ccc[i]
	local iData = dotNetObject "DataObject" ccc[1]
	local ddEffectsMove = (dotNetClass "DragDropEffects").move
	local eventArgs = dotNetObject "DragEventArgs" iData 0 0 0 ddEffectsMove ddEffectsMove
	onDragDrop ns[1] eventArgs

Very nice!


If it is not clear how I found Denis’s variable names, this is how:

	currentVars = globalVars.gather()
	fileIn "C:\\what_color.mse"
	denisVars = for v in (globalVars.gather()) where findItem currentVars v == 0 collect v

Really cool site, didn’t know about it, thanks

i knew that you found my globals… you could stop the timer as well and shuffle the names all day…


Why work hard when Maxscript can do the work for me

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