[Closed] warm-up before challenge #5
this is not a tool… technically the code is idle (there is no using for a practical purpose). so i’ve decided to encrypt it.
try to find right colors by drag-n-dropping their labels:
hey, people! this is not a free food. give me at least your score… i might be dumb but it takes ~2min for me to Riddle the riddle…
first loading the script it took me at least 20 seconds to work out what to do… so i restarted and got 1 min 54. process of elimination and then some guessing came into it
EDIT: second attempt 5.01 … I think i got lucky with some of the names last time…
Took me a while to figure out how it worked but then on the first try
2:08 w00t
Nice game Denis
here is my cheating device
global roll_colorGuesser
try (destroyDialog roll_colorGuesser) catch ()
rollout roll_colorGuesser "I know what color is it"
-- Local Variable Declerations
local w = 70
local h = 30
local dnc = dotnetclass "System.Drawing.Color"
local colors = #(
-- User Interface
edittext etxColor ""
listBox lbxColors ""
bitmap bmpColor "" width:w height:h visible:false
-- Functions
fn getColors txt =
if txt.count > 0 then
for c in colors where matchPattern (toLower (c as string)) pattern:((toLower txt) + "*") collect c as string
fn updateColor =
if lbxColors.selection > 0 then (
local c = dnc.FromName lbxColors.selected
bmpColor.bitmap = bitmap w h color:(color c.r c.g c.b)
bmpColor.visible = true
) else
bmpColor.visible = false
fn checkColor txt =
lbxColors.items = getColors txt
if lbxColors.items.count > 0 and lbxColors.selection == 0 then
lbxColors.selection = 1
fn openDialog =
createDialog roll_colorGuesser width:200
fn init =
setFocus etxColor
fn done =
gc light:true
-- Event Handlers
on etxColor changed arg do checkColor arg
on lbxColors selected arg do updateColor()
on roll_colorGuesser open do init()
on roll_colorGuesser close do done()
) -- end of rollout
this is a scripting challenge after all so lets see if someone can come up with a better way to cheat! (and not just print screen and edit in ps)
Dont need photoshop to cheat, the game is reconfigured randomly, can be he clicked new game until it got 16 correct at once. And even then, very lucky heh
If I’m not mistaking the odds would be 1 : 2004189184
for that and in that case the time should be 00:00:00… Denis, you should have used a random picker that gives 0 matches in initial state
Right it is 16! (20,922,789,888,000)
At first I quickly calculated it using mxs with integers but I guess it was to big for an int, walframe alpha confirms your number :shrug: