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[Closed] VRay Proxy to Mesh toggle?

Hy script gods of cgtalk

Is there a script that can toggle between a mesh and it´s VRay Proxy?

The ideal would be a script that converts a mesh into a vray proxy and sets the original emsh to not renderable so that you ahve both mesh and proxy in the scene and are able to toggle them.

kind regards


3 Replies

That would be kind of counter productive in that you use proxies to keep the scene light.

Having the source object in the scene still eats up memory whether it’s rendered or not. It would make more sense to swap them out to disk.

yes it’s really useful thing if i have the function to toggle bettwen mesh and vray proxy
anybody have any idea

matt has a goob point! also, vray proxies are a little of of fashion now that we have 64 bit.

You can easily replace objects, be they proxies or whatever using clone and align.

Something else you may consider is using xrefs to choose which file is merged into your master be it one with proxies or one with the original mesh.
