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[Closed] vray network Versions Controller

hi everyone.
this time i have another proposal for help in a scricpt:
this is my trouble i want to retrieve from all the machines in a network (my office) the vray version installed in each station. To do this i use the VRAY60.dll file version thats fine by me. so here is my problem i wanted this script to run in background mode in max so that eache a new version was installed (1.09 and 1.47.13) i would the user would be notified. But currently i am working on a script that pops up a rollout and tells the user wich computer have what version installed.
here is the script:
(the variables change acordengly to the computer names)

— variables
— Declare them before they complain
global m1a
global m1
global m1a
global m2a
global m3a
global m4a
global m5a
global m6a
global m7a
global m8a
global m9a
global m10a
global m11a
global m12a
global m13a
global m14a
global r1a
global r2a
global r3a
global r4a
global r5a
global r6a
global s1a
global b1a
global b2a
global VrayVersionFloater

— stations Script
m1 = getFileVersion “//Station01/c/3dsmax7/VRay60.dll”
m1a = (m1 as string)
m2 = getFileVersion “//Station02/c/3dsmax7/VRay60.dll”
m2a = (m2 as string)
m3 = getFileVersion “//Station03/c/3dsmax7/VRay60.dll”
m3a = (m3 as string)
m4 = getFileVersion “//Station04/c/3dsmax7/VRay60.dll”
m4a = (m4 as string)
m5 = getFileVersion “//station05/c/3dsmax7/Vray60.dll”
m5a = (m5 as string)
m6 = getFileVersion “//station06/Drive C/3dsmax7/Vray60.dll”
m6a = (m6 as string)
m7 = getFileVersion “//station07/c/3dsmax7/Vray60.dll”
m7a = (m7 as string)
m8 = getFileVersion “//station08/c/3dsmax7/Vray60.dll”
m8a = (m8 as string)
m9 = getFileVersion “//station09/c/3dsmax7/Vray60.dll”
m9a = (m9 as string)
m10 = getFileVersion “//station10/c/3dsmax7/Vray60.dll”
m10a = (m10 as string)
m11 = getFileVersion “//station11/c/3dsmax7/Vray60.dll”
m11a = (m11 as string)
m12 = getFileVersion “//station12/c/3dsmax7/Vray60.dll”
m12a = (m12 as string)
m13 = getFileVersion “//station13/c/3dsmax7/Vray60.dll”
m13a = (m13 as string)
m14 = getFileVersion “//station14/Drive C/3dsmax7/Vray60.dll”
m14a = (m14 as string)
r1 = getFileVersion “//Render01/c/3dsmax7/VRay60.dll”
r1a = (r1 as string)
r2 = getFileVersion “//Render02/c/3dsmax7/VRay60.dll”
r2a = (r2 as string)
r3 = getFileVersion “//Render03/c/3dsmax7/VRay60.dll”
r3a = (r3 as string)
r4 = getFileVersion “//Render04/c/3dsmax7/VRay60.dll”
r4a = (r4 as string)
r5 = getFileVersion “//Render05/c/3dsmax7/VRay60.dll”
r5a = (r5 as string)
r6 = getFileVersion “//Render06/c/3dsmax7/VRay60.dll”
r6a = (r6 as string)
s1 = getFileVersion “//Secretary/c/3dsmax7/VRay60.dll”
s1a = (s1 as string)
b1 = getFileVersion “//Boss01/c/3dsmax7/Vray60.dll”
b1a = (b1 as string)
b2 = getFileVersion “//Boss02/c/3dsmax7/Vray60.dll”
b2a = (b2 as string)

--- the Boss undifined Unaccessable BOSSES
		if b1 == undifined then (b1a = "No Version Known")
		else b1a = (b1 as string)
		if b2 == undifined then (b2a = "No Version Known")
		else b2a = (b2 as string)

--- the scretary undifined Unaccessable SECRETARY
		if s1 == undifined then
			s1a = "No Version Known"
		else s1a = (s1 as string)

--- to the undefinied Unaccessable machines STATIONS 1 -14

		if m1 == undefined then (m1a = "No Version Known")
		else m1a = (m1 as string)
		if m2 == undefined then (m2a = "No Version Known")
		else m2a = (m2 as string)
		if m3 == undefined then (m3a = "No Version Known")
		else m3a = (m3 as string)
		if m4 == undefined then (m4a = "No Version Known")
		else m4a = (m4 as string)
		if m5 == undefined then (m5a = "No Version Known")
		else m5a = (m5 as string)
		if m6 == undefined then (m6a = "No Version Known")
		else m6a = (m6 as string)
		if m7 == undefined then (m7a = "No Version Known")
		else m7a = (m7 as string)
		if m8 == undefined then (m8a = "No Version Known")
		else m8a = (m8 as string)
		if m9 == undefined then (m9a = "No Version Known")
		else m9a = (m9 as string)
		if m10 == undefined then (m10a = "No Version Known")
		else m10a = (m10 as string)
		if m11 == undefined then (m11a = "No Version Known")
		else m11a = (m11 as string)
		if m12 == undefined then (m12a = "No Version Known")
		else m12a = (m12 as string)
		if m13 == undefined then (m13a = "No Version Known")
		else m13a = (m13 as string)
		if m14 == undefined then (m14a = "No Version Known")
		else m14a = (m14 as string)

--- to the undinied Unaccessable machines RENDERS 1 -6		
		if r1 == undefined then (r1a = "No Version Known")
		else r1a = (r1 as string)
		if r2 == undefined then (r2a = "No Version Known")
		else r2a = (r2 as string)
		if r3 == undefined then (r3a = "No Version Known")
		else r3a = (r3 as string)
		if r4 == undefined then (r4a = "No Version Known")
		else r4a = (r4 as string)
		if r5 == undefined then (r5a = "No Version Known")
		else r5a = (r5 as string)
		if r6 == undefined then (r6a = "No Version Known")
		else r6a = (r6 as string)

— MessageBox (m1a + m2a + m3a + m4a + m5a + m6a + m7a + m8a + m9a + m10a + m11a + m12a + m13a + m14a) title:“Vray Versions”

rollout vrayVersion “Vray Versions” width:338 height:600
— M = machine (m1a + m2a + m3a + m4a + m5a + m6a + m7a + m8a + m9a + m10a + m11a + m12a + m13a + m14a) = stations 1/14
button btnClose “Close” pos:[60,548] width:71 height:35 toolTip:“close”
label lbl19 “station01 station02 station03 station04 station05 station06 station07 station08 station09 station10 station11 station12 station13 station14 Render01 Render02 Render03 Render04 Render05 Render06 Secretary Boss01 Boss02” pos:[23,29] width:54 height:350
listbox lbx10 ” VrayVersions” pos:[92,8] width:92 height:25 items:#(“1,5,0,0 1,46,11,0”, “1,5,0,0 1,46,11,0”, “1,5,0,0 1,46,11,0”, “1,5,0,0 1,46,11,0”, “No Version Known”, “1,5,0,0 1,46,11,0”, “1,5,0,0 1,46,11,0”, “1,5,0,0 1,46,11,0”, “1,5,0,0 1,46,11,0”, “1,5,0,0 1,46,11,0”, “No Version Known”, “1,5,0,0 1,46,11,0”, “1,5,0,0 1,46,11,0”, “1,5,0,0 1,46,11,0”, “No Version Known”, “No Version Known”, “No Version Known”, “No Version Known”, “No Version Known”, “No Version Known”, “No Version Known”, “1,5,0,0 1,46,11,0”, “No Version Known”)
label lbl37 “Stations” pos:[22,12] width:47 height:16
progressBar pb1 “ProgressBar” pos:[18,504] width:163 height:26

groupBox grp3 "GroupBox" pos:[246,47] width:0 height:0
label lbl14 "Switch Vray" pos:[213,7] width:115 height:19
on btnClose pressed do
		closeRolloutFloater vrayVersionFloater
		---close button

)— in undefined
if vrayVersionFloater != undefined do
closeRolloutFloater VrayVersionFloater

VrayVersionFloater = newRolloutFloater “Vray Versions” 200 600
addRollout VrayVersion VrayVersionFloater

— end of script

thankx alot hugs bern…

4 Replies

maybe the tiltle should be
“VRAY version network Sniffer”

sorry that no one is interested…
i would apreceate some help since my max script levels are far from the acceptable…
hugs bern…

still there is no network administrator out there that is interested in working on a script that manages vray version… Vlad this one is for you…
hugs bern

this time i need your help…
my question is related to the output form of the report…
i went i did a ui for this script but what i wanted it to be is more like a “txt report” pure simple report…
help please…