[Closed] visual max script
hello all
i have been mucking about with visual maxscript and created 3 buttons with script for each but cant get the buttons into max . Are there any rules of thumb that i should follow to get the interface that i have created working.
I usually save it as a .ms file, open it and then copy it into my current code. I haven’t found a way to look at the code directly though, that would be a bit faster.
If someone has a better solution, please tell.
- R
Myself I normally do this
Write the rollout text in a ms file
then you right click the code and click Edit rollout. The rollout will now open in visual maxscript. Here you can add buttons.
When you are finished just close this window and everything will update in your code.
Hope this helps
me too, i first write the script on a blank new script, then just press F2 whenever my cursor is inside a rolluot block.
but be carefull whenever u hav createdialog function outside the block, coz when ur finished editing the rollout, it usually deletes stuff outside its block. my workaround was this…
rollout foo "foo"
button foo "foo"
on foo pressed do
-- -- -- -- --
createdialog foo
I add some “–”’s just above the code… im not sure but this works for me… hehe.
I also hope that grid settings are saved every coz everytime i use VMS, i set the grid to 5.
Also, if you hav already set some buttons and u also hav some bitmap arrays for some of those, then run VMX, it usually replaces this bitmaps with someting else, i forgot what word was it exactly. But i usually copy the whole button sets before editing in VMS. I hope this helps.
i have been mucking about with visual maxscript and created 3 buttons with script for each but cant get the buttons into max .
Vms is a bit buggy :p. Did you save it to the script?
I do this-
- Start a new script
- Right click –> new rollout
- Add the stuff
- Click save (in the vms dialog) and close it.
- The code appears but the script now is all green, so hit Ctrl-D
- Hit Ctrl-E to check
- Delete unwanted parameters like enabled height etc.
- Always leave many blank lines on top of your code.
- To change something right click –> edit rollout inside the rollout brackets or press F2.