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[Closed] vertex renderer in ortho view

hi, all. in how to … develop a vertex renderer, the code use viewport.getTm to transform the vertext from wolrd space to viewport space, but the docs says getTm only work good for non-ortho camera, what do I need to change?

thePos = (getVert theMesh v)* viewport.getTM()
screen_origin = mapScreenToView [0,0] (thePos.z) [width,height]
end_screen = mapScreenToView [width,height] (thePos.z) [width,height]

worldSize = screen_origin-end_screen
xAspect = width/(abs worldSize.x)
yAspect = height/(abs worldSize.y)

renderCoords = point2 (xAspect*(thePos.x- screen_origin.x)) (-(yAspect*(thePos.y-screen_origin.y)))

all help is appreciated.

4 Replies

I confused,do you mean thePos = (getVert theMesh v)* viewport.getTM()

no need any change,
If the viewport is a Camera, the viewport.getTM() returns the inverse of the camera’s transformation matrix. If the viewport is a Perspective or Ortho view, the matrix is already inverted

iaoai, thanks for your relpy.
I try the viewport.getTm to transform my vertext, it’s just work fine but the viewport scale seems a little diffrent from the camera setting, I have to multi ablout 1.9 both x and y to get the final vertex position. Is it the zoom problem?
The attachment describe the problem, thank you guys again.

I’m not sure try to cancle the safe frame of viewport

sorry,I test on my pc,it doesn’t make.