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[Closed] Vertex paint AO baker – always fails on first run

you are right.
now it has to work everywhere:

fn pressAssignVColor = 
	format "modify mode: %
" (getCommandPanelTaskMode() == #modify)
	format "vertex paint: %
" (iskindof (modpanel.getCurrentObject()) VertexPaint)

	if getCommandPanelTaskMode() == #modify and iskindof (modpanel.getCurrentObject()) VertexPaint do
		name = "Assign" 
		if (win = windows.getChildHWND #max "Command Panel") != undefined or (win = windows.getChildHWND 0 "Command Panel") != undefined do 
			if (bt = windows.getChildHWND win[1] name) != undefined do UIAccessor.PressButton bt[1]
		format "rollout: %
button: %
" win bt

Awesome, thanks alot man, really :D. Now my whole script works fine :). That was the only thing holding me up.

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