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[Closed] vechicle Rigger

I am desparetly trying to force this script

to work with 2012…no luck!
Also, it is impossible to find the script’s author, he has no mail, etc…

So, is it OK that someone check what it is all about, why it doesnt want to run with max 2012?

3 Replies

well it works on my 2012,

but because it looks to be different language, or some weird character,

drag the script in your maxsscript editor, find the SECOND LINE

it should look like

– category: “warid”

you can either delete that or change the string in the parenthesis. it just a note so it has no effect on the script but the error is thrown because of the weird character. hope it helps

Thanks legatoBLueSummers!
I’ll try later, probably it is the issue.

Anyway I already found the script author, but if this help, no need to panic…

And, yes, awesome script, for shure.

It worked just as you said!
Like a charm!