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[Closed] variable arguments to a console application, can it be done ?

[size=3]can anyone help me out here Im a bit stuck, I need to send 4 arguments to a dos program and that I cna do fine, but I also want to have the script changing the value of the each argument,and I cant work out how to get that value over ??.

I may want to run
shellLaunch (“E:\Max9\Scripts\TEST.exe 1 1 1 2” “”)[size=1]
) [/size]

but next time want to run
shellLaunch (“E:\Max9\Scripts\TEST.exe 3 2 1 2” “”)
then next time something else

bellow is my script so far .
any help would be great thanks


 if scmod.state == 1 do ( Videomode = 0 ) 
if scmod.state == 2 do ( Videomode = 1 )
if scmod.state == 3 do ( Videomode = 2 )
if binnub.state == 1 do ( Binnumb = 0 )
if binnub.state == 2 do ( Binnumb = 1 )
if binnub.state == 3 do ( Binnumb = 2 )
if binnub.state == 4 do ( Binnumb = 3 ) 
if vidmo.state == 1 do ( Vsync = 0 )
if vidmo.state == 2 do ( Vsync = 1 )
Dlay = Bamount.value
shellLaunch ("E:\Max9\Scripts\TESTData\TEST.exe\" "Videomode" "Binnumb" "Vsync" "Dlay" ) 

5 Replies

   case scmod.state of (
       1: Videomode = 0
       2: Videomode = 1
       3: Videomode = 2
       default: Videomode = 0
    case binnub.state of (
       1: Binnumb = 0
       2: Binnumb = 1
       3: Binnumb = 2
       4: Binnumb = 3
       default: Binnumb = 0
    case vidmo.state of (
       1: Vsync = 0
       2: Vsync = 1
    default: Vsync = 0
    Dlay = Bamount.value
    args = videomode + " " + Binnumb + " " + Vsync + " " + Dlay
    shellLaunch "E:\Max9\Scripts\TESTData\TEST.exe\" args 
You were trying to pass 4 separate arguments instead of one separated by spaces.

Try that out, see if it works.

Thanks MoonDoggie

I get this
Syntax error: at bad, expected <keyword arg>
– In line: – shellLaunch “E:\M

I editted the line
shellLaunch (“E:\Max9\Scripts\TESTData\TEST.exe” args )

to this

shellLaunch (“E:\Max9\Scripts\TESTData\TEST.exe” args )

but then I get this
[size=1][color=#ff0000]Incompatible types: 0, and ” “

Im going to play around to see if I can sort it as Im sure it will be something silly , Thanks again

I got it working with this

shellLaunch “E:\Max9\Scripts\SpectrumData\FFTMAX.exe “[size=2] args [/size]

[size=2]Thanks for the help dude

updated with the correct working code no prob, I’ve never used shellLaunch before, handy stuff.