[Closed] Value compare – close enough?
Very cool. I like that solution. Nice and simple. Much more elegant than what I have been doing. Thanks for sharing that Matan.
<off topic, search related>
When you are pretty sure there is something in MXS lexicon that you need, and the help index is no help, ‘apropos’ is your friend. It is often better at matching partial words.
apropos “enou”
close_enough (const Primitive): close_enough()
…which you can then feed back into the help search dialog to find the correct location.
Good tip, thanks Mike. I had forgotten about apropos. Seen it in the help so many times, but whenever a good chance to use it comes up I totally forget about it.
Another one I like is <superclass>.classes… ie. modifier.classes or positioncontroller.classes… I’ve used that a few times when I couldn’t quite remember the name of a class I was thinking of. Also used it a few times to populate UI controls with entire class collections, rather than typing them all out by hand in an array.