[Closed] utility objects
Just Started with maxscript…and get stuck
Let’s say i need 20 spinners or buttons in my utility
Is it possible to make them with the for loop?
utility test “Test”
for i=1 to 20 do
it is possible, but not using the ‘conventional’ way of creating a rollout. you need the execute command to accomplish this. this command allows you to evaluate a string.
so execute “10+10” results in 20
using this same technique you can build rollouts dynamically:
– this variable will hold the rollout string
strRollout = “”
– make sure you escape double quotes inside strings using a backslash character
strRollout += “utility test “Test”
for i=1 to 20 do
– add a spinner and number it using the i-loop
strRollout += ” spinner spn” + (i as string) + ” “Caption”
strRollout += “
– execute the string
execute strRollout
the string strRollout will contain:
utility test “Test”
spinner spn1 “Caption”
spinner spn2 “Caption”
spinner spn3 “Caption”
spinner spn4 “Caption”
spinner spn5 “Caption”
spinner spn6 “Caption”
spinner spn7 “Caption”
spinner spn8 “Caption”
spinner spn9 “Caption”
spinner spn10 “Caption”
the execute then evaluates this string just as if it is a normal script that gets evaluated…
good luck
Originally posted by Fossor
😮 Wow! Thanx man!
In MAX 5 and higher, there is a set of functions to create dynamic rollouts like that. See “RolloutCreator Functions” in the Online Help. Also see the “How To” – “… Enhance the Morpher Modifier With Floating Controls” tutorial which uses the method magicm suggested…
If you are really just starting with MAXScript, you might find this stuff a bit too advanced for your level.
Bobo the Clown
Originally posted by Bobo
In MAX 5 and higher, there is a set of functions to create dynamic rollouts like that. See “RolloutCreator Functions” in the Online Help. Also see the “How To” – “… Enhance the Morpher Modifier With Floating Controls” tutorial which uses the method magicm suggested…
I’m using max 4
If you are really just starting with MAXScript, you might find this stuff a bit too advanced for your level.
Really 2 days in fact. Actually I have some experience in programming from Assmbler to C++ and ActionScript. So i don’t see any problem.
Bobo the Clown
Always nice to meet some comrades-in-arms!
Thanx for support!
Originally posted by Fossor
I’m using max 4
This does not mean that you cannot use the MAXScript tutorials – they are pretty much Max 4 compatible (I wrote them for the VIZ4 edition of the help, so they should work except for the one I just mentioned which relies on an extension formerly only available in the SDK and then added to Max 5).
You can download a copy of the MAXScript 5.1 Help from the official discreet support forum page.
Originally posted by Bobo
This does not mean that you cannot use the MAXScript tutorials – they are pretty much Max 4 compatible (I wrote them for the VIZ4 edition of the help, so they should work except for the one I just mentioned which relies on an extension formerly only available in the SDK and then added to Max 5).
You can download a copy of the MAXScript 5.1 Help from the official discreet support forum page.
It’s good to know! I have not thought of this possibility :shrug: