[Closed] using weak refence and custome attribute to solve Illigal self-refrence in controlle
Hi everybody
I have some problem about ( Illigal self-refrence in controller script ) in a script controller.
I’ve searched and one of the suggesting solution was using nodeTransformMonitor to avoid this. don’t know maybe i do all wrong or what i’m looking for is sth else so i do my best to show what i’m looking for with an example.
I’m looking for ” Releative transform ” but in a script controller.
Here the Releative transform but in script window
A= teapot name:"parent" wirecolor:[255,84,0] radius:10
B= Box name:"child" height:5 width:5 length:5 wirecolor:[888,144,225] pos:[15,0,12]
--here the releative transform
--Keep the offset transform from teapot
reTrans = B.transform * inverse A.transform
A.rotation = EulerAngles 0 90 0
B.transform = reTrans * A.transform
it works fine but when i want to use this in a script controller my problem begins .and if i try above script in script controller i’ll face Illigal cycle or “Illigal self-refrence in controller script”.
what is my problem when using weak refrence or nodtransform monitor to overcome this problem. here i go
--get back to the original position
A.rotation = EulerAngles 0 0 0 ; B.transform = reTrans * A.transform
--add transform script
Btransscr = B.Transform.controller = transform_script ()
-- i use custome attribute in script controller and maxobject tab in parameter block
ca = Attributes nodestore
parameters nodePar
( mycanode type:#maxobject )
con = B.transform.controller
custAttributes.add con ca
con.mycanode = (nodeTransformMonitor node:B forwardTransformChangeMsgs:false)
con.mycanode.node --- it turns $Box:child @ [15.000000,0.000000,12.000000]
crtrans = (B.transform) as string
scrText = "
myobjheight = this.mycanode.node.height
print myobjheight
"+ crtrans
Btransscr.script = scrText
it is ok and the script knows the object’s height ,but when i try to get the transform of the box again it complain from Illigal self-refrence in controller script
scrText = "
myobjheight = this.mycanode.node.height
print myobjheight
myobjtrans = this.mycanode.node.transform
print myobjtrans
"+ crtrans
Btransscr.script = scrText
where is my problem even i use type:#maxObjectTab instead of type:#maxobject again the same thing happen the difrence is the first one is in an array form.
or is it possible to do this in script controller?
Thanks in advance
in custom attribute you put weak reference – nodetransformmonitor . it’s OK
but when you ask its transform it’s not weak anymore. you ask the controller inside this controller. it’s self- referencing for sure.
you have to store probably original matrix as constant … and you can do it without CA
delete objects
p = point name:#child size:40 wirecolor:orange
init_tm = p.transform
c = p.transform.controller = transform_script()
c.addconstant "init_tm" init_tm
c.setexpression "print init_tm; translate init_tm [0,0,F]"
now is example #2
delete objects
p = box name:#child
init_tm = p.transform
c = p.transform.controller = transform_script()
c.addconstant "init_tm" init_tm
c.addnode "owner" p
c.setexpression "translate init_tm [0,0,-owner.height]"
here is weak referencing to itself. it works… but if you change time. it’s because “weak-referencing” suppresses all messages from this reference
so you need normal reference but not to the node itself but “height” subanim:
delete objects
p = box name:#child
init_tm = p.transform
c = p.transform.controller = transform_script()
c.addconstant "init_tm" init_tm
c.addtarget "owner_height" p.baseobject[#height]
c.setexpression "translate init_tm [0,0,-owner_height]"
now it works as expected
Thank you so much for your reply Denis
For adding an object’s transform as constant i did that befor but i couldn’t get what i was looking for, maybe for my bad scripting here my try of Releative trans in script controller before this post
A= teapot name:"parent" wirecolor:[255,84,0] radius:10
B= Box name:"child" height:5 width:5 length:5 wirecolor:[888,144,225] pos:[15,0,12]
init_tm = B.transform
c = B.transform.controller = transform_script()
c.addconstant "init_tm" init_tm
c.addnode "parentt" A
scr = "
reTrans = init_tm * inverse parentt.transform
reTrans * parentt.transform
c.script = scr
But it doesn’t work for me, that was why i try that way.
Sorry if i didn’t understand well finally :
Can we do that in a script controller? i mean referring a node or its transform or position by itself not the height or …
no, we can’t. we can store it with controller, but can’t call it.
but as i see from your code above you are saving another node transform (a la parent). it’s legal.
delete objects
d = dummy name:#parent boxsize:[10,10,10]
p = box name:#child wirecolor:orange
c = p.transform.controller = transform_script()
c.addnode "parent" d
c.addtarget "owner_height" p.baseobject[#height]
c.setexpression "(transmatrix [0,0,-owner_height]) * parent.transform"
My goal is to change environment map at render time for certain frames and that’s what I got.
resetMaxFile #noprompt
out = output()
def = vraycolor color:black
r = vraycolor color:red
g = vraycolor color:green
b = vraycolor color:blue
out.map1enabled = true
out.map1 = def
out.output.rgb_offset.controller = float_script()
out.output.rgb_offset.controller.script = "
self = ::out --(refs.dependents this)[3]
dependson self
case F of (
1: self.map1 = ::r
2: self.map1 = ::g
3: self.map1 = ::b
default: self.map1 = ::def
environmentMap = out
meditMaterials[1] = out
And now the question is how can I get a reference of textureMap that is owner of this particular script controller without using global variable?
If I use (refs.dependents this)[3] it seems to work fine when I put this output map in simple materialEditor but fails in SME (throws circular-selfreference error)
out = output()
s = out.output.rgb_offset.controller = float_script()
s.addobject "owner" (reftargmonitor reftarg:out)
s.script = "print owner.reftarg; 0"