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[Closed] Using matrices to achive "lookat" effect

This is difficult to explain, so please have a look at this example:

 delete $point*
 if NOT isvalidnode obj1 do obj1= Teapot pos:[0,0,0]
 if NOT isvalidnode obj2 do obj2=Teapot pos:[100,100,100]
 theTM = matrixFromNormal [1,0,0]
 theNormalTM =matrixfromnormal (normalize (obj2.pos-obj1.pos))
 for a = 0 to 324 by 36 do
 rm = rotateZMatrix a
 theRotTM = (theTM * rm) * theNormalTM
 theRay = Ray theRotTM.row4 theRotTM.row3 
 point pos:((obj1.pos+obj2.pos)/2+(theray.dir*50)) wirecolor:(if a==0 then red else green)  axistripod:off centermarker:on cross:off Box:off

What I’m trying to do is emit radial rays penpendicular to a vector.
Here the vector is between the position of the two teapots. You can move the teapots and rerun the script to see the effect.

I’m using point helpers to illustrate the rays. It seems to work, but the direction of the first ray, designated by the red point helper, tends to vary a lot and sometimes flips (gimbal lock?)

Ideally I’d want the first ray to be more predictable, like if its a clock face using a LookAt controller (facing the 2nd teapot) and the first ray is at 12’o clock… (I think this works if you were to use Axis Alignment as the Upnode control for the LookAt controller. )

Any ideas?

1 Reply

check this

   delete $point*
   if NOT isvalidnode obj1 do obj1= Teapot pos:[0,0,0]
   if NOT isvalidnode obj2 do obj2=Teapot pos:[100,100,100]
   vx = normalize (obj2.pos-obj1.pos)
   vy = normalize (cross [0,0,1] vx)
   vz = cross vx vy
   lookTM = matrix3 vx vy vz ((obj2.pos-obj1.pos) * .5)
   for a = 0 to 324 by 36 do
   	Tm = copy lookTM
   	prerotatex Tm a
   	pretranslate Tm [0,0,50]
   	point pos:Tm.pos wirecolor:(if a==0 then red else green)  axistripod:off centermarker:on cross:off Box:off