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[Closed] use maxscript ,how to align vertex to face

Hello everyone

I have a question ,use maxscript, how to align vertex to face

3 Replies

Align vertex to face

Here is a routine that compute the intersection between a plane and a line.

fn planeVectorIntersection planeVert planeNormal projPoint projVector=
	r=( -( (planeNormal.x*projPoint.x)+(planeNormal.y*projPoint.y)+(planeNormal.z*projPoint.z)+d ) )/( (planeNormal.x*projVector.x)+(planeNormal.y*projVector.y)+(planeNormal.z*projVector.z) )

It’s probably a part what you need.

planeVert is a vertex of the face
planeNormal is the normal of the face
projPoint is your point3
projVector is the axis of the projection, for example z=[0,0,1]

the function return the intersection (point3)

Hope this helps a bit.

You can just use Maxscript’s built in function for line/plane intersection, IntersectRay:

oPlane = $YourPlaneObject

MyRay = ray [pos.x,pos.y,pos.z] [dir.x,dir.y,dir.z]

newray = intersectRay oPlane MyRay
if (newray != undefined) do
–Place vertex at intersection point
setVert oObject nIndex newray.pos

Just look up IntersectRay and IntersectRayEX in the maxscript reference.

Good luck,

Todd Kuehnl