[Closed] urgent help Script npot working UVWmap
hello, i´m trying to make a script to work with several objects apllying to them an uvwmap gizmo normal aligned to the objects face.
but it does not work it work for a single object but not a bunch of them can anyone help?
thankx bern.
obj = selection as array
for i = 1 to obj.count do
faceArr = (polyop.getFaceSelection obj[i]) as array
faceNormal = in coordsys obj[i] (polyop.getFaceNormal obj[i] faceArr[1])
worldUpVector = [0,0,1]
rightVector = normalize (cross worldUpVector faceNormal)
upVector = normalize (cross rightVector faceNormal)
theMatrix = matrix3 rightVector upVector faceNormal [0,0,0]
— UVWmap modifier
addModifier obj[i] (Uvwmap())
—obj[i].modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].gizmo.transform = theMatrix
obj[i].modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].length = 40
obj[i].modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].width = 40
obj[i].modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].realWorldMapSize = on
print faceArr
sorry got mistaken this is the final one:
obj = selection as array
for i = 1 to obj.count do
faceArr = (polyop.getFaceSelection obj[i]) as array
faceNormal = in coordsys obj[i] (polyop.getFaceNormal obj[i] faceArr[1])
worldUpVector = [0,0,1]
rightVector = normalize (cross worldUpVector faceNormal)
upVector = normalize (cross rightVector faceNormal)
theMatrix = matrix3 rightVector upVector faceNormal [0,0,0]
— UVWmap modifier
addModifier obj[i] (Uvwmap())
obj[i].modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].gizmo.transform = theMatrix
obj[i].modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].length = 40
obj[i].modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].width = 40
obj[i].modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].realWorldMapSize = on
print faceArr
Try this. Might not be the most efficient, but it works. (Also added space for “in coordsys” )
mxv = maxVersion()
obj = selection as array
for i = 1 to obj.count do (
select obj[i]
faceArr = (polyop.getFaceSelection obj[i]) as array
if faceArr.count == 0 then (
-- No selection, then pick face 1. I suppose a popup with face number or something would also work here
-- If all faces then
--x = polyOp.getNumFaces obj[i]
--for b = 1 to x do (
-- append faceArr b
faceNormal = in coordsys obj[i] (polyop.getFaceNormal obj[i] faceArr[1])
worldUpVector = [0,0,1]
rightVector = normalize (cross worldUpVector faceNormal)
upVector = normalize (cross rightVector faceNormal)
theMatrix = matrix3 rightVector upVector faceNormal [0,0,0]
new = Uvwmap()
new.length = 40
new.width = 40
modPanel.addModToSelection new ui:on
new.gizmo.transform = theMatrix
if mxv[1] >= 8000 then (
-- Only max 8 and above
new.realWorldMapSize = on
--print faceArr
theres one litle thing i forgot …
i want to place the gizmo to the bottom edge of the object, by bottom i mean the lowest edge of the bounding box… gonna try that… hugs bern