[Closed] update one rollout from another
I’ve created a tool for importing proxy objects.
so i have one button to bring up the open dialog to select a file which then puts the file name into a text box then a second button which creates a second dialog with the list of objects within that file.
now when you double click an object the dialog destroys but i cant get the name of the select object out of that dialog.
It wont populate the text field with its name on the first rollout.
Heres snipets of my code
global proxyfile = ""
global newproxyobject = 0
global[size=2] obj_names = #()
rollout anewone "Select Proxy Object"
listbox lbx_objects "Objects:"
on lbx_objects doubleclicked itm do
newproxyobject = itm
destroydialog anewone
rollout Ran_pro "Random Productizer" width:225 height:420
GroupBox grp1 "Materials" pos:[4,51] width:215 height:121
GroupBox grp3 "" pos:[1,268] width:222 height:82
Label rm_label3 "Proxy Filename" pos:[5,275]
edittext et_proxyfilename "" pos:[1,290] width:160 height:20 readonly: true
button but_loadproxyfile "..." pos:[165,290] width:20 height:20
Label rm_label4 "Proxy Objectname" pos:[5,310]
edittext et_proxyobjectname "" pos:[1,325] width:160 height:20 readonly: true
button but_loadproxyobject "..." pos:[165,325] width:20 height:20
button but_applyproxy "A" pos:[190,290] width:25 height:55 enabled:false images:#(getdir #maxroot+"ui/icons/ran_pro/apply.jpg", undefined, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) tooltip:"Apply Proxy Object to selection"
[color=#fffffe]on but_loadproxyfile pressed do
proxyfile = (getopenfilename caption:"Select the Proxy file" filename:"P:\\something\\" types:"MAX FILES(*.max)")
--et_proxyfilepath.text = proxyfile
et_proxyfilename.text = (getfilenamefile proxyfile)
on but_loadproxyobject pressed do
if (proxyfile != "") then
createdialog anewone width:280
obj_names = (getmaxfileobjectnames proxyfile)
anewone.lbx_objects.items = obj_names
Ive read a few post about prefixing varialbes with the rollout name name.variable etc but that didnt seem to help.
any help would be great.
not sure if im with you here but would this work?
rollout anewone “Select Proxy Object”
listbox lbx_objects “Objects:” items:obj_names
on lbx_objects doubleclicked itm do
newproxyobject = itm
destroydialog anewone
Cheers Mate i think that did the trick I had to adjust the function to carry a parameter but yeah its working now.
Thanks again…