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[Closed] Update a plugin – error

Hi all,
i’m new here, and i hope someone could help me.
I need to update the WarpTexture plugin to use it in 3ds max 2009 x64. I’ve compiled the 32bit with visual studio, and it’s ok, but i can’t compile the 64bit version because i’ve got this error: “fatal error LNK1112: module machine type ‘X86’ conflicts with target machine type ‘x64’ core.lib WarpTexture”.
I’ve checked all the options, and i don’t know why it happens. This is the first time i’ve tryed to update a plugin, so i need some help.

4 Replies

a) in linker options – advanced: set “Target Machine” to MachineX64 (/MACHINE:X64)
b) in linker options – general: check your “Additional Library Directories”, you have to link the x64 libs of the sdk, so it should read like “…\maxsdk\x64\lib”


Thanks really really much guruware.
It works!

You can download WarpTexture for all newer versions of Max, including 64-bit versions, at


Thanks guruware, it works!
Thanks maxplugins, it’ll be the first site i’ll check next time!