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[Closed] unwrap5.getSelectedGeomEdges() broken?
Oct 18, 2011 7:53 pm
I noticed than unwrap5.getSelectedGeomEdges() seems be broken. It always returns undefined.
Tested in max 2010.
Is there another issue for get selected geometry edges in UVW Modifier? I like to know before I start creating my own function.
2 Replies
1 Reply
Oct 18, 2011 7:53 pm
I wrote something:
function getMapVerts object channel = -- return array of map IDs matched to geometry verts
if( polyOp.getMapSupport object channel ) then
local polyOp_getMapFace = polyOp.getMapFace
local polyop_getFaceVerts = polyop.getFaceVerts
-- prepare bitarray for each verteice
local mapVerts = for i=1 to object.numverts collect #{}
local mapFace, meshFace, mVert
for i=1 to (polyOp.getNumMapFaces object channel) do
mapFace = polyOp_getMapFace object channel i
meshFace = polyop_getFaceVerts object i
for j=1 to meshFace.count do
mapVerts[meshFace[j]][mapFace[j]] = true -- store index
mapVerts -- return
undefined -- return
local uvwMod = selection[1].modifiers[#unwrap_uvw]
local edgeSel = uvwMod.unwrap2.getSelectedEdges()
obj = snapshot selection[1]
convertToPoly obj
local geomEdgesMapVerts = -- collect map verts for each geometry edge
local mapVerts = getMapVerts obj 1
local polyop_getEdgeVerts = polyop.getEdgeVerts
local verts
for i=1 to polyop.getNumEdges obj collect
verts = polyop_getEdgeVerts obj i
#( mapVerts[verts[1]], mapVerts[verts[2]] ) -- return
local geomEdgeSel = #{}
local selectEdges = uvwMod.unwrap2.selectEdges
local edgeToVert = uvwMod.unwrap2.edgeToVertSelect
local getVerts = uvwMod.unwrap.getSelectedVertices
local verts, con
for e in edgeSel do
-- get map vertices of each selected map edge
selectEdges #{e}
verts = (getVerts()) as array
-- try match it to collected geom edges map vertices
con = true
for i=1 to geomEdgesMapVerts.count where con do
if (geomEdgesMapVerts[i][1][verts[1]] and geomEdgesMapVerts[i][2][verts[2]]) or
(geomEdgesMapVerts[i][2][verts[1]] and geomEdgesMapVerts[i][1][verts[2]]) then
geomEdgeSel[i] = true
con = false
print( "Edge match: " + (geomEdgesMapVerts[i] as string) + " and " + (verts as string) )
select obj
subObjectLevel = 2
obj.SetSelection #Edge geomEdgeSel
I can’t understand why sometimes it gives wrong results.
Try create teapot and add uvw unwrap modifier. Then select edges based on teapot’s top most vertex and run the script.
I’m not sure is it the best and fastest way to do that.