[Closed] unwrap uvw not applying to multiple selection
Hi all,
Hopefully someone can help with this, i’m a bit of a novice at all this maxscript business!
I’ve written a script which will apply Unwrap UVW modifier to an object, then change the channel and reset the UV’s. It then goes through the objects modifier stack and deletes a specified modifier if it finds it (Bend modifier in the example code below). This is all working fine, but it won’t work when i have more than one object selected, am i missing something here to make it work on multiple object??
Please tell me this is an easy fix someone! Any help with the below code is greatly appreciated.
for obj in selection do
addmodifier obj (Unwrap_UVW()) ui:on
obj.modifiers[#unwrap_uvw].unwrap.setMapChannel 2
if validModifier selection Unwrap_UVW then
for obj in selection do
for index = obj.modifiers.count to 1 by -1 do
if ((classOf obj.modifiers[index]) == Bend) do
deleteModifier obj index