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[Closed] Unknown property: "Edit_Poly" error

A problem that has always bothered newbies, I want to use maxscript to give different compositematerial basematerial:(standard diffuse:(color 150 255 150)) to triangles and compositematerial basematerial:(standard diffuse:(color 150 150 255))pentagons in an obj file. But when I convert it to a mesh object, the listener says: Unknown property: “Edit_Poly” in $Editable_Mesh: 4^3 -3-3-3^^4 obj @ [0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]. How do I solve it? Thank you for your answer.

obj_files = getFiles “*.obj”
for f in obj_files do
–import file
if ( doesfileexist f ) do
importFile f #noPrompt using:Wavefront_Object

objfilename = getFilenameFile f

for geo in geometry 
	where (( == objfilename) or (matchPattern pattern:"3D_Object*") or (matchPattern pattern:"default*") or (matchPattern pattern:"*_obj")) do 
( = (f as string) 
	pathaa = filterString (f as string) "\\" = pathaa[pathaa.count]
	geo.colorByLayer = false
	geo.pivot = [0,0,0]
	addModifier geo (unwrap_UVW())
	convertToMesh geo
	format "Object Name  : % | Class : %" ( (classof geo)	
	num2 = geo.NumFaces --integer
    triangleMaterial = compositematerial basematerial:(standard diffuse:(color 150 255 150))
	pentagonMaterial = compositematerial basematerial:(standard diffuse:(color 150 150 255))
	-- Loop through all faces in the geometry
	for i = 1 to num2 do
		if (geo.Edit_Poly.getFaceDegree i) == 3 then
				-- Select the triangle face and assign the triangle material
				geo.Edit_Poly.SelectFaces #{i}
				geo.Edit_Poly.SetFaceMaterial triangleMaterial
				geo.Edit_Poly.SetFaceColor (color 0 0 0)
		if (geo.Edit_Poly.getFaceDegree i) == 5 then
				-- Select the pentagon face and assign the pentagon material
				geo.Edit_Poly.SelectFaces #{i}
				geo.Edit_Poly.SetFaceMaterial pentagonMaterial
				geo.Edit_Poly.SetFaceColor (color 0 0 0)


1 Reply

geo will be of type editable mesh after

convertToMesh geo

so you’d need to use editable mesh methods otherwise use

convertToPoly geo

though you won’t need the


part in the rest of the code