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[Closed] U Deflector


Does any one know if it is possible to set the colision object with a U Deflector? I can’t see a parameter for this.

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To quote,

UDeflector : SpacewarpObject [left]NOTE:
[left]There is no way to set the Deflector object using MAXScript.

according to the help file:

And it seems it’s right.

However, you could create a UDeflector, assign some temporary object to it, save this to a .max file that you include with your script(s).

Then when you need to create a UDeflector, merge from that file, and use InstanceReplace or ReplaceInstances to replace that temporary object with the object you really want the UDeflector to use.

Yes? No?

Sure, it is the hack I would probably use, but it is a BIG hack

yeah, I tried to come up with a smaller hack like using UIAccessor and dotNet to direct the mouse cursor over the intended object by continually scrolling the viewport around waiting for the tooltip to appear and then reading in the tooltip string and make sure it matches the desired object and then sending a mouse click event to the 3ds Max viewport…

maybe there’s another alternative, though?


Thanks guys, I did RTFM but was hoping. I can’t fathom why this is not accessible. Nice hack by the way but not really what we want.

Maybe in 2010?

Now that it’s announced, maybe that sort of thing can be divulged

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Nope, it is ancient Max 2 or so code, not very scripter-friendly and it looks like nobody wants to touch it with a proverbial pole…

Bobo: shoot. though I can’t blame them, it would seem like a ‘fun’ task for an intern to add some function-published access.

PEN: I did ogle a few other bits and pieces, but I’m afraid that’s the only workaround I can think of. If you need to adjust existing UDeflectors, I’m afraid all you can do is ask the user to pick the object manually. You -can- still select the UDeflector, bring up the modify panel and push the object-picking button for them (UIAccessor), of course, leaving you only to prompt the user to pick the object.