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[Closed] txt export in MAXScript HelpFile

Hi everyone,
recently I was trying to export vertex coordinates to a TXT file, and I read again the specific section in MAXSCript helpfile “How To … Output Geometry Data To Text File – Part Two”.
I noticed that there is an extra line at the end of the suggested macroscript:

edit out_name

It created a problem in the export. When I evaluated my script, the txt file that I generated did not appear in my selected location – for some reason it was still “open”.
So I guess that It shouldn’t be in the HelpFile section right ?

2 Replies

“edit” in maxscript just opens a file to the maxscript editor, you don’t need this if you only want to save a file.
The example macroscript saves the file you define in the directory of your choice.
To see your file you have to check :

  • the file format (extension), you have to define it when you name it (ie: “myfile.txt”)
  • if you only define a name without extension, you might not see this file because your windows is configured to hide files without known extension … (but your file is currently in the forlder)
  • check that you have whrite access to the target directory, but maxscript should tell you if file can’t be whrite

Hope that helps

Oh you right ! Thats the trick. I didnt write the extension when I saved the file (and as you pointed, I couldn’t see the file – but the file was there). Thanks for the clarification ricozone !