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[Closed] turn sequence to morph targets

Can you help me with turning a sequence of geometry to a morph object targets. What I am up for is to pick the first element (geo1) turn it to a morph object and append all of the consecutive objects (geo2, geo3 …) as a targets. At the momment can’t find a way to access morph object class. Is it supported in max script?

Thanks for any suggestions.

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There are two types of Morphs in Max and both are supported by MAXScript (and documented, too). Since the Morpher modifier is limited in the number of channels you can load, you can either use multiple modifiers with consecutively keyframed targets, or look at the Barycentric Morph Controller and its Keys (which I typically use when I have to combine OBJ files imported from Maya for example). The BMC was the original Morph implementation in Max before Autodesk hired Harry Denholm and acquired the Morpher modifier in Max 3 which was a limited version of Ishani Graphics Mix plugin for Max 2. The BMC is trickier to control, but you can have as many targets as you want.


Hi there. Morpher is a modifier. So:

tempMod = $.modifiers[1] (assuming you have morpher on top of modifier stack)
tempMod[1] – morpher channel 1
tempMod[1][1].value – first morph targets value


<boolean>WM3_MC_BuildFromNode <Morpher_Class>Morpher <integer>channel_index <geometry_class>target_object

…you can add a node as morph target

How to create targets you need is another matter, not related to morpher. You could use snapshot and take snapshots from different time…

Hope this helps!

Thanks Bobo for clearing out the difference, I knew morph modifier has some limitations but didn’t know exactly what was it. Barycentric morph controler is exactly what I was looking for.

Cheers for help guys!
