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[Closed] Turn Instance Into Reference

Hey there. So this command:

InstanceMgr.MakeObjectsUnique obj #individual

will uninstance an object. But is there an equivalent that will turn the instance into a reference?

  • Neil
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sure you can… but you have to specify a reference target (one node from the list of instances)
for example:

instances = selection as array
 instancereplace instances instances[1]
 instancemgr.makeobjectsunique instances #individual
 referencereplace instances instances[1]

if you want to have a ‘virtual’ target, you can make a copy of some object from the list, make references, and delete a copy:

instances = selection as array
instancereplace instances instances[1]
instancemgr.makeobjectsunique instances #individual
_target = copy instances[1]
referencereplace instances _target
delete _target

Thanks Denis, the part I was missing was making that virtual target, now works like a charm.

  • Neil