[Closed] Trigger a block controler animation by script
Hey gang-
Is there a good way to trigger an animation, say with a block controller based on an objects proximity or a pflow system? Id prefer not to get pflow in the mix for this one but I’m up for options.
Could you describe a little more about what you are trying to achieve? Your question is a little cryptic and hard to figure out exactly what you are trying to achieve.
it’s definitely possible! but i agree with Eric… i’ve understood nothing what you’re asking about
he-he, its Friday and the language skill have turned to mush.
Sorry lets give a concrete example. Say I have a box and animate a twist on it over 30 frames. If I save out that animation with a block controller or cache I now want to make an array say 10x10of these boxes. I then want to have a sphere move close to some of the boxes and based on a proximity test trigger the animation. The animation could be set to loop/reset or a one off trigger.
Thats just a simple example but I hope it captures the essence of what im looking to do.
ha! i have an idea for funny snippet. i will try to find a time tomorrow to make it.
here is it:
plugin Helper Motivator
classid:#(0x00001967, 0x12567814)
parameters params rollout:params
power type:#worldunits default:200 ui:ui_power
on power set value do notifydependents this partid:#tm
rollout params "Parameters"
spinner ui_power "Power:" type:#worldunits fieldwidth:56 range:[0,1e9,50] offset:[4,0]
bored =
#([67.082,0,0], [67.082,0,-37.0149], [67.082,0,37.0149]),
#([-2.93225e-006,0,67.082], [37.0149,0,67.082], [-37.0149,0,67.082]),
#([-67.082,0,-5.8645e-006], [-67.082,0,37.0149], [-67.082,0,-37.0149]),
#([7.99945e-007,0,-67.082], [-37.0149,0,-67.082], [37.0149,0,-67.082])
#([38.9038,0,-17.7427], [30.6118,0,-12.7177], [47.1958,0,-22.7676]),
#([50.3858,0,-27.7427], [49.4,0,-24.5004], [51.3717,0,-30.9849]),
#([44.8188,0,-37.1961], [51.3818,0,-32.153], [38.2559,0,-42.2392]),
#([0,0,-27.9188], [20.8993,0,-27.9188], [-20.8993,0,-27.9188]),
#([-44.8581,0,-38.292], [-38.167,0,-43.3351], [-51.5492,0,-33.2489]),
#([-50.3731,0,-27.7427], [-51.182,0,-31.1675], [-49.5642,0,-24.3178]),
#([-40.0048,0,-17.7427], [-48.506,0,-22.7676], [-31.5037,0,-12.7177]),
#([0.63382,0,-6.87366], [-18.9548,0,-6.87366], [20.2224,0,-6.87366])
#([45.2718,0,20], [45.2718,0,11.5732], [45.2718,0,28.4268]),
#([30,0,35.2718], [38.4268,0,35.2718], [21.5732,0,35.2718]),
#([14.7282,0,20], [14.7282,0,28.4268], [14.7282,0,11.5732]),
#([30,0,4.72816], [21.5732,0,4.72816], [38.4268,0,4.72816])
#([-14.7282,0,20], [-14.7282,0,11.5732], [-14.7282,0,28.4268]),
#([-30,0,35.2718], [-21.5732,0,35.2718], [-38.4268,0,35.2718]),
#([-45.2718,0,20], [-45.2718,0,28.4268], [-45.2718,0,11.5732]),
#([-30,0,4.72816], [-38.4268,0,4.72816], [-21.5732,0,4.72816])
happy =
#([67.082,0,0], [67.082,0,-37.0149], [67.082,0,37.0149]),
#([-2.93225e-006,0,67.082], [37.0149,0,67.082], [-37.0149,0,67.082]),
#([-67.082,0,-5.8645e-006], [-67.082,0,37.0149], [-67.082,0,-37.0149]),
#([7.99945e-007,0,-67.082], [-37.0149,0,-67.082], [37.0149,0,-67.082])
#([38.9038,0,-10], [30.5061,0,-10.9865], [47.3014,0,-9.01352]),
#([50.3858,0,-20], [50.171,0,-15.8473], [50.6007,0,-24.1527]),
#([40.1929,0,-34.9161], [46.7559,0,-29.873], [33.63,0,-39.9592]),
#([0,0,-50.2586], [20.8993,0,-50.2586], [-20.8993,0,-50.2586]),
#([-40.0048,0,-34.9161], [-33.3137,0,-39.9592], [-46.696,0,-29.873]),
#([-50.0097,0,-20], [-50.0097,0,-24.1527], [-50.0097,0,-15.8473]),
#([-40.0048,0,-10], [-48.3398,0,-9.01352], [-31.6699,0,-10.9865]),
#([0,0,-25.9189], [-19.5886,0,-25.9189], [19.5886,0,-25.9189])
#([50,0,20], [50,0,8.96428], [50,0,31.0357]),
#([30,0,40], [41.0357,0,40], [18.9643,0,40]),
#([10,0,20], [10,0,31.0357], [10,0,8.96427]),
#([30,0,0], [18.9643,0,0], [41.0357,0,0])
#([-10,0,20], [-10,0,8.96428], [-10,0,31.0357]),
#([-30,0,40], [-18.9643,0,40], [-41.0357,0,40]),
#([-50,0,20], [-50,0,31.0357], [-50,0,8.96427]),
#([-30,0,0], [-41.0357,0,0], [-18.9643,0,0])
fn makeSpline data name: wirecolor:yellow =
sh = splineshape name:name wirecolor:wirecolor
for dd in data do
sp = addnewspline sh
for d in dd do
k = addknot sh sp #bezier #curve d[1] d[2] d[3]
close sh sp
updateshape sh
with redraw off
delete objects
max create mode
source = makeSpline bored name:"Bored" wirecolor:yellow
target = makeSpline happy name:"Happy" wirecolor:orange
motive = Motivator name:"Motivator" power:200 wirecolor:red isselected:on
motive.size = 100
if isvalidnode (target = $Happy) and isvalidnode (source = $Bored) do
channel = 1
addmodifier source (modi = Morpher name:"Motivation" autoload_of_targets:1)
if (WM3_MC_BuildFromNode modi channel target) do
WM3_MC_SetActive modi channel on
if name != unsupplied do WM3_MC_SetName modi channel target.name
if value != unsupplied do WM3_MC_SetValue modi channel 0.0
WM3_RefreshChannelListUI modi
c = modi[1].controller = Float_Script()
c.addnode "source" source
c.addnode "motive" motive
ss = "if isvalidnode motive and motive.power != 0 then (100 - 100*(distance source motive)/motive.power) else 0
c.setexpression ss
clones = #()
for z=1 to 9 do for x=1 to 9 do
maxops.clonenodes source offset:[150*x,0,-150*z] cloneType:#copy expandHierarchy:on newNodes:&clones
clones[1].motivation[1].controller.setnode "source" clones[1]
hide #(target, source)
viewport.activeviewport = 2
max select all
max zoomext sel all
max move
motive.isselected = on
try to move the ‘motive’ node and change its “Power” property… enjoy!
but i need a little assistance. i know that Europe wakes up earlier than America… could anyone give me a code that generates these two faces (sad & happy) with the same number of splines and knots. i need them to be used in the morpher…
these are the faces
sorry for the technique. it’s the best that i could make on my phone.
Can it be all one shape and does it mater if its smooth, bezier or any other requirements?