[Closed] Translating data between object classes
For a few of the scripts I’ve been working on recently, I’ve been getting frustrated with constantly having to write multiple versions of the same code to deal with essentially the same data between multiple types of scene nodes. So I’m hoping to put together a library of functions that will allow me (or other users) to control multiple object classes using the same code.
I’ve started with some simple functions to work with sub-object identification and position data for both editable poly and editable spline objects. Nothing too fancy really, but it’s allowed me to do some serious streamlining. I will worry about getting this to work with editable meshes a bit later; for my purposes in the meantime they are easy enough to convert to and from poly objects.
If anyone has any suggestions for improving these functions I would be thrilled to hear them. And if anyone has any functions of their own written in a similar vein, I’d like to make this thread the place for sharing them.
fn numberOfVertices sel theSet:1 =
case (classOf sel) of
Editable_Poly: polyOp.getNumVerts sel
line: numKnots sel theSet
SplineShape: numKnots sel theSet
fn numberOfSegments sel theSet:1 =
case (classOf sel) of
Editable_Poly: polyOp.getNumEdges sel
line: numSegments sel theSet
SplineShape: numSegments sel theSet
fn numberOfPolygons sel =
case (classOf sel) of
Editable_Poly: polyOp.getNumFaces sel
line: numSplines sel
SplineShape: numSplines sel
fn selectedVertices sel theSet:1 =
case (classOf sel) of
Editable_Poly: polyOp.getVertSelection sel as array
line: getKnotSelection sel theSet
SplineShape: getKnotSelection sel theSet
fn selectedSegments sel theSet:1 =
case (classOf sel) of
Editable_Poly: polyOp.getEdgeSelection sel as array
line: getSegSelection sel theSet
SplineShape: getSegSelection sel theSet
fn selectedPolygons sel =
case (classOf sel) of
Editable_Poly: polyOp.getFaceSelection sel as array
line: getSplineSelection sel
SplineShape: getSplineSelection sel
fn setSelectedVertices sel v theSet:1 =
case (classOf sel) of
Editable_Poly: polyOp.setVertSelection sel v
line: setKnotSelection sel theSet v
SplineShape: setKnotSelection sel theSet v
fn setSelectedSegments sel s theSet:1 =
case (classOf sel) of
Editable_Poly: polyOp.setEdgeSelection sel s
line: setSegSelection sel theSet s
SplineShape: setSegSelection sel theSet s
fn setSelectedPolygons sel p =
case (classOf sel) of
Editable_Poly: polyOp.setFaceSelection sel p
line: setSplineSelection sel p
SplineShape: setSplineSelection sel p
fn getVerticesFromSegment sel s theSet:1 =
case (classOf sel) of
Editable_Poly: polyOp.getEdgeVerts sel s
line: #(s, ( mod s (numberOfVertices sel theSet:theSet) + 1 ) as integer)
SplineShape: #(s, ( mod s (numberOfVertices sel theSet:theSet) + 1 ) as integer)
fn getVerticesFromPolygon sel p theSet:1 =
case (classOf sel) of
Editable_Poly: sort (polyOp.getFaceVerts sel p)
line: for v = 1 to (numberOfVertices sel theSet:p) collect v
SplineShape: for v = 1 to (numberOfVertices sel theSet:p) collect v
fn vertexPosition sel v theSet:1 =
case (classOf sel) of
Editable_Poly: polyOp.getVert sel v
line: getKnotPoint sel theSet v
SplineShape: getKnotPoint sel theSet v
fn setVertexPosition sel v thePos theSet:1 =
case (classOf sel) of
Editable_Poly: polyOp.setVert sel v thePos
line: setKnotPoint sel theSet v thePos
SplineShape: setKnotPoint sel theSet v thePos
-- Sample script utilizing the above functions
fn getVertArrayFromSegments theSet:1 targetArray:vertArray =
for s = 1 to (selectedSegments $ theSet:theSet).count do
for i = 1 to 2 do
v = (getVerticesFromSegment $ (selectedSegments $ theSet:theSet)[s])[i]
if (for w = 1 to targetArray.count where targetArray[w][1] == v collect w).count == 0 do
append targetArray #(v, vertexPosition $ v theSet:theSet)
fn getVertArrayFromPolygons theSet:1 targetArray:vertArray =
if (superClassOf $ != shape) or (findItem (selectedPolygons $) theSet != 0) do
for p = 1 to (selectedPolygons $).count do
for i = 1 to (getVerticesFromPolygon $ (selectedPolygons $)[p]).count do
v = (getVerticesFromPolygon $ (selectedPolygons $)[p])[i]
if (for w = 1 to targetArray.count where targetArray[w][1] == v collect w).count == 0 do
append targetArray #(v, vertexPosition $ v theSet:theSet)
fn vertexOrder a b = case of ( (a[1] < b[1]): -1; (a[1] > b[1]): 1; default: 0 )
fn buildVertArray theSet:1 =
vertArray = #()
case subObjectLevel of
0: vertArray = for v = 1 to (numberOfVertices $ theSet:theSet) collect #(v, vertexPosition $ v theSet:theSet)
theVerts = selectedVertices $ theSet:theSet
vertArray = (for v = 1 to theVerts.count collect #(theVerts[v], vertexPosition $ theVerts[v] theSet:theSet))
2: getVertArrayFromSegments theSet:theSet
3: case (classOf $) of
Editable_Poly: getVertArrayFromSegments()
line: getVertArrayFromPolygons theSet:theSet
SplineShape: getVertArrayFromPolygons theSet:theSet
4: getVertArrayFromPolygons()
5: getVertArrayFromPolygons()
qSort vertArray vertexOrder
format "vertArray (%): %
" theSet vertArray
if superClassOf $ == shape then setCount = numberOfPolygons $ else setCount = 1
for i = 1 to setCount do (buildVertArray theSet:i)
Hi Kevin, my solution isn’t exactly the same as yours. I needed to create a wrapper for Editable Poly Objects and Edit Poly Modifiers functions to write code disregarding the object type I was working with.
Following code is the backbone of the wrapper I use in IC.Shape. Three sample functions are added to get elements count. After structure instantiation and initialization, the same wrapper functions can work either on Editable Poly Objects or Edit Poly Modifiers.
struct PolyWrapper
theNode = undefined,
theEditObj = undefined,
theMesh = undefined,
_baModViewStatus = #{},
_bNurmsStatus = false,
function pwModViewOff =
if (isValidNode theNode) do
_baModViewStatus = #{}
with redraw off
if ((classOf theEditObj) == Editable_Poly) then
for i = 1 to theNode.modifiers.count do
if ( (theNode.modifiers[i].enabled == true) and (theNode.modifiers[i].enabledInViews == true) ) do
_baModViewStatus[i] = true
theNode.modifiers[i].enabledInViews = false
if (isProperty theNode #surfSubdivide) do
_bNurmsStatus = theNode.baseObject.surfSubdivide
theNode.baseObject.surfSubdivide = false
else if ((classOf theEditObj) == Edit_Poly) then
local iModIndex = modPanel.getModifierIndex theNode theEditObj
for i = 1 to (iModIndex-1) do
if ( (theNode.modifiers[i].enabled == true) and (theNode.modifiers[i].enabledInViews == true) ) do
_baModViewStatus[i] = true
theNode.modifiers[i].enabledInViews = false
function pwModViewOn =
if (isValidNode theNode) do
with redraw off
for i = 1 to theNode.modifiers.count do
if ( (theNode.modifiers[i].enabled == true) and (_baModViewStatus[i] == true) ) do
theNode.modifiers[i].enabledInViews = true
if ((classOf theEditObj) == Editable_Poly) do
if (isProperty theNode #surfSubdivide) do
theNode.baseObject.surfSubdivide = _bNurmsStatus
_bNurmsStatus = false
_baModViewStatus = #{}
function initStruct initNode initEditObj =
theEditObj = initEditObj
if ( (theEditObj != undefined) and ((superClassOf theEditObj) == Modifier) ) do
if ((findItem initNode.modifiers theEditObj) == 0) do
select initNode
theEditObj = modPanel.getCurrentObject()
if ( ((classOf theEditObj) == Editable_Poly) or ((classOf theEditObj) == Edit_Poly) ) then
theNode = initNode
theMesh = theNode.mesh
theEditObj = undefined
theNode = undefined
theMesh = undefined
function getNumVerts =
local iNumVerts = 0
if ((classOf theEditObj) == Editable_Poly) then
iNumVerts = polyOp.getNumVerts theEditObj
else if ((classOf theEditObj) == Edit_Poly) then
iNumVerts = theEditObj.getNumVertices node:theNode
return iNumVerts
function getNumEdges =
local iNumEdges = 0
if ((classOf theEditObj) == Editable_Poly) then
iNumEdges = polyOp.getNumEdges theEditObj
else if ((classOf theEditObj) == Edit_Poly) then
iNumEdges = theEditObj.getNumEdges node:theNode
return iNumEdges
function getNumFaces =
local iNumFaces = 0
if ((classOf theEditObj) == Editable_Poly) then
iNumFaces = polyOp.getNumFaces theEditObj
else if ((classOf theEditObj) == Edit_Poly) then
iNumFaces = theEditObj.getNumFaces node:theNode
return iNumFaces
) -- end struct PolyWrapper
-- Example
-- Instance the PolyWrapper structure
local pw = PolyWrapper()
-- Create a Sphere and convert it to an Editable Poly
local theSphere = convertToPoly (Sphere())
-- Create an instance of an Edit Poly Modifier and assign it to the Sphere
local theMod = EditPolyMod()
addModifier theSphere theMod
-- Set Command Panel to Modify mode and select the Sphere
setCommandPanelTaskMode #Modify
select theSphere
-- Standard Edit Poly Modifier operations to modify the Sphere topology
theMod.setEPolySelLevel #Vertex
theMod.select #Vertex #{1..33} select:true node:theSphere
theMod.ButtonOp #RemoveVertex
-- Set the Editable Poly as active in Modifier Stack (get a Warning)
modPanel.setCurrentObject theSphere.baseObject
-- Init the PolyWrapper to the Current Active Edit Object in the Stack
pw.initStruct theSphere (modPanel.getCurrentObject())
-- Call the PolyWrapper Methods
format "The Editable Poly has % verts, % edges, % faces
" (pw.getNumVerts()) (pw.getNumEdges()) (pw.getNumFaces())
-- Set the Edit Poly Modifier as active in Modifier Stack
modPanel.setCurrentObject theSphere.modifiers[1]
-- Init the PolyWrapper to the Current Active Edit Object in the Stack
pw.initStruct theSphere (modPanel.getCurrentObject())
-- Call the PolyWrapper Methods
format "The Edit Poly Modifier has % verts, % edges, % faces
" (pw.getNumVerts()) (pw.getNumEdges()) (pw.getNumFaces())
- Enrico