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[Closed] too long grame range

My question is not about maxscript, but maybe you know some tip…
I want to render each 10 (for instance) frame in some long sequence: “0, 165-365, 1024-2370” and so on. I send the job to deadline.
If i set the frame range directly: “0, 165, 175, 185, …” – it can’t be rendered unfortunately – max failed. I suppose cause of too long range.
Everything is ok if i use deadline monitor script and change the sequence in deadline.
So… how this can be solved? How can i render some long ‘per-frame’ sequence anyhow?

7 Replies

You can use maxscript to write out the frame list for you…

Haven’t got max open at the moment so this is just rough cut code, will need checking

thestring = ""
for i = 1 to 150 by 10 do format "%," (i as string) to:thestring
for i = 267 to 1200 by 10 do format "&, " (i as string) to:thestring

RendPickupFrames = thestring

David, thank you for the reply,
but the question was not ‘how to generate the sequence’ – of course it is done using script, the problem is that if this frame range is too long, max failed when start rendering… don’t know why.

into your maxscript listener and paste what it gives you here.

hmm, sounds strange for me, but on another machine max doesn’t fail at this scene…
don’t know why… but, nevertheless, another question:

this code works …

thestring = "" as stringStream
for i = 1 to 150 by 10 do format "%, " (i as string) to:thestring
for i = 2670 to 12000 by 10 do format "%, " (i as string) to:thestring
RendPickupFrames = thestring as string 

…and this – doesn’t:

thestring = "" as stringStream
for i = 2670 to 12000 by 10 do format "%, " (i as string) to:thestring
RendPickupFrames = thestring as string 

it sends a messagebox about not valid frame range (the only differ is the deleted frame list between 1 and 150). Try it…)

The only thing to excuse my previous question is that maybe first time on my machine it fails without throwing this exception…

Both work for me… the only thing to try is removing the last “, ” on the end of your frame list.


Doesn’t work:
“0,10,40,50,60,70, “

That space on the end is probably your issue…

Sorry, Dave…
Thank you very much for your replies but now i tried again everything at my work machine and max failed the same way as when i wrote my first post…

i attach the image, it’s not a surrealisme)

think it’s a some sort of not very good bug for me

(ps. max 2009, 2012 (as well), scene is pretty clear (only a box), win xp)

upd. – tried another machine at work (much more powerful), max2012 – everything ok, max2009 – throws an exception (about not valid range), independently of “12000, ” or “12000”.