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[Closed] togglesmooth script affect only selected?
Oct 20, 2010 5:59 pm
hi, in addition to my other thread, i have another question for the same script, but i created this other thread, since the subject is another.
i edited a script that i found available here, to fit my needs, it toggles smooth on and off, but now it toggles for all objects in the scene, and i wanted it to affect only selected objects. how to do so?
heres the script:
macroScript Toggle category:"Rafael"
try(destroyDialog ToggleSmooth)catch()
global Toggle_Smooth
global MS_array = #()
global TS_array = #()
rollout ToggleSmooth "Toggle Smooth on/off" width:150 height:40
CheckButton TSmooth "Smooth" highlightColor:green height:20 align:#left offset:[-5,0] across:2
fn TSSelectON =
start = timeStamp()
for o in geometry do if superclassof o == geometryClass do
for mod in o.modifiers where classof mod == turbosmooth do
if o.turbosmooth.enabled == false then
o.turboSmooth.enabled = true
append TS_array
for mod in o.modifiers where classof mod == meshsmooth do
if o.meshsmooth.enabled == false then
o.meshsmooth.enabled = true
append MS_array
end = timeStamp()
format "Processing took % seconds
" ((end - start) / 1000.0)
fn TSSelectOFF =
start = timeStamp()
for o in geometry do if superclassof o == geometryClass do
for mod in o.modifiers where classof mod == turbosmooth do
if o.turbosmooth.enabled == true then
o.turboSmooth.enabled = false
append TS_array
for mod in o.modifiers where classof mod == meshsmooth do
if o.meshsmooth.enabled == true then
o.meshsmooth.enabled = false
append MS_array
end = timeStamp()
format "Processing took % seconds
" ((end - start) / 1000.0)
on TSmooth changed state do
if state == on then
on ToggleSmooth close do
TS_array = #()
MS_array = #()
createdialog ToggleSmooth width:220 height:30
thanks in advance
2 Replies
Oct 20, 2010 5:59 pm
just replace geometry with selection in the two instances that it is used in the script (for o in geometry do…)
1 Reply