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[Closed] toggle on and off vertex colors?

I’ve got a vol select on top of a edit poly, then a morpher. Trying to interactivley select out part of a morph using soft select in the vol select modifier. Works fine except that haven’t found out a way to toggle off the vertex color display so that I can see clearly and interactively what the end result . Any ideas?

2 Replies

Here is a code snippit for turning off and on Vert colors from a tool that I wrote awhile ago. Hope it helps .

If selection.count != 1 or superclassof $ != GeometryClass then
messageBox “Select one mesh or poly object”
$.displayByLayer = false –Turns off object’s display props by layer
If $.showVertexColors == off then – TURN ON
$.showVertexColors = on
$.vertexColorsShaded = on
$.vertexColorType = 5
$.vertexColorMapChannel = 0 – <—- Change which vert color channel you want to display
$.showVertexColors = off
$.vertexColorsShaded = off

Thanks I was going to use the workaround of applying mesh modifier on top of stack…I’ll try this much lighter load