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[Closed] timeStamp() and the timeSlider
Jan 23, 2009 5:06 pm
I was hoping maybe someone knows a better way to do this (maybe a little more accurate) The script takes the animation range or defined range and timestamps the duration it takes to run through the specified duration. As you can see it moves the timeslider in a loop, this works for comparison purposes of different setups but is not a very accurate evaluation of the true time it takes. I tried for a little bit trying to use the playAnimation() and isAnimplaying() functions with zero success, since max seems to lock just about everything out when the playAnimation() function is invoked.
Any ideas? (lol, other than user a stopwatch :D)
try(destroydialog TestTimer)Catch()
rollout TestTimer "Timeline Timer"
local start
local end
local numframes
local s = animationRange.start as integer
local f = animationRange.end as integer
local startFrame = s / ticksperframe
local endFrame = f / ticksperframe
button btn_start "Start"
spinner spn_startFrame "Start Frame" range:[0,10000000,startFrame] type:#integer scale:framerate
spinner spn_endFrame "End Frame" range:[0,10000000,endFrame] type:#integer scale:framerate
on btn_start pressed do
slidertime = spn_startFrame.value
numFrames = spn_endFrame.value - spn_startFrame.value
start = timeStamp()
for i = 1 to numFrames do
slidertime += 1
end = timeStamp()
format "Processing took % seconds
" ((end - start) / 1000.0)
createDialog TestTimer
Best regards,
2 Replies
Jan 23, 2009 5:06 pm
perhaps something along these lines, using a time change callback?
global timeCheck -- better make sure the callback function can find itself
fn timeCheck = (
if (sliderTime == animationRange.end) do ( -- at the end yet?
endTime = timeStamp() -- stop the stopwatch
format "Time taken: %s
" ((endTime - startTime) / 1000.0) -- display the time
unRegisterTimeCallback timeCheck -- kill the callback
playbackloop = false -- no looping to make sure we end up on the last frame
realtimePlayback = false -- even if realtime playback is true
playActiveOnly = true -- only play back the active range
sliderTime = animationRange.start -- go to the beginning
registerTimeCallback timeCheck -- set up our callback
startTime = timeStamp() -- start the stopwatch
playanimation() -- start playing back
Jan 23, 2009 5:06 pm
Excellent, works a charm.
Thanks, must learn about callbacks.
try(destroydialog TestTimer)Catch()
rollout TestTimer "Timeline Timer"
global timeCheck -- better make sure the function can find itself
local s = animationRange.start as integer
local f = animationRange.end as integer
local startFrame = s / ticksperframe
local endFrame = f / ticksperframe
spinner spn_startFrame "Start Frame" range:[0,endFrame,startFrame] type:#integer
spinner spn_endFrame "End Frame" range:[startFrame,100000,endFrame] type:#integer
button btn_start "Start" pos:[14, 42] height:18 across:3
label lbl_totalTime "0.000" pos:[74, 44]
label lbl_seconds "seconds" pos:[114, 44]
on spn_endFrame changed endVal do
endFrame = endVal
on spn_startFrame changed startVal do
startFrame = startVal
fn timeCheck =
if (currentTime == endFrame) do ( -- at the end yet?
endTime = timeStamp() -- stop the stopwatch
lbl_totalTime.text = ((endTime - startTime) / 1000.0) as string
format "Time taken: %s
" ((endTime - startTime) / 1000.0) -- display the time
unRegisterTimeCallback timeCheck -- kill the callback
on btn_start pressed do
playbackloop = false -- no looping to make sure we end up on the last frame
realtimePlayback = false -- even if realtime playback is true
playActiveOnly = true -- only play back the active range
sliderTime = spn_startFrame.value -- go to the beginning
registerTimeCallback timeCheck -- set up our callback
startTime = timeStamp() -- start the stopwatch
playanimation() -- start playing back
createDialog TestTimer