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[Closed] and the Community Scripts Initiative

Hi everyone,

I want to give you all the heads up about something we just launched at, called the Community Scripts Initiative, specifically the Community Repositories. Basically, it is a way for any TAO member to create a version control system via their user CP- it is that simple. You can read about the system here:

What we’re working towards is building up a library of useful scripts and functions that we can all lean and depend on, instead of everyone having to write their own on an ad-hoc basis. This exists in all other programming, but not in scripting- and it is a real shame it doesn’t! By developing them open-source and in the CR’s, it allows anyone to create a branch to create fixes, and then have them merged into the main trunk. What I hope to see is a much higher degree of code reuse and sharing than currently exists.

What we’re also working on is integration with ScriptSpot. You will be able to publish your scripts to SS directly from your Repository, and your users will always get the newest version. This should really enhance visibility for scriptwriters who have trouble getting the word out about their awesome scripts. We’re also looking into a Wordpress system to allow seamless publish on person blogs and websites along with SS and TAO, since we have no desire to assimilate or anonymous-ize anyone’s work!

Most of the code exchanged on this forum falls more under the ‘Snippet’ category, which we hope to have a solution for eventually as well. (For now, if anyone hasn’t seen it, Vsai requested for a MXS area of Snipplr set up, here: ) But I know we all work on things that would be useful to others and would share them if we had the infrastructure, so here is the infrastructure.

None of this can work without your help. We can only build tools and systems for people to use, and it doesn’t matter how great that tool is on its own, if people don’t use it, it is a failure. We want this tools to be successful- if you use them and it doesn’t work, or you don’t like it, tell us so we can make it better, so we can fix it; but I think your first experience will be a pleasant one. But we really do need participation to make this a success.

That is all, thanks.

2 Replies

Very nice idea, will try it out. Thanks.

Have been looking for a nice way to manage script versions (especially on work/home computers) and this looks promising!

BTW if anyone is interested in what we have planned for scriptspot/future expansion:

We are brewing up some awesome stuff!