Hi Jason,
finally finished my version of pacman
the ghost part was the funniest to do … I may add more level when I get
more time !
Hope you like it,
Hey Martin,
I’m trying to run pacMax but it’s giving me a dotNet error of an invalid directory for some reason. I’m thinking that it may just be an error on my part. I put the two files at:
\3ds Max 2008\Scripts\pacmax\
Using Max 2008 32 bit by the way.
From what the screen shot shows, it looks really hilarious! I guess this means that it’s my turn eh? Suggestions?
Never mind, got it working! Just needed to restart.
Soooo good!! You got Blinky’s AI to follow pacman! I would only restrict the player from being able to hold down the arrow keys so he’s forced to move slowly and so he can’t accidentally go through a ghost while going fast. Very funny stuff, pacman’s moving animation made me laugh.
Wow, cool stuff! Would it be possible to release the code for learning? Maybe the source code for the API you have there as well? Would really appreciate it!
Thank you guy, glad you like it
I would only restrict the player from being able to hold down the arrow keys so he's forced to move slowly and so he can't accidentally go through a ghost while going fast.
in fact I could have calculated the player vs ghost collision on every move but I leave it on ghost move for speed purpose of course
Would it be possible to release the code for learning?
well of course , just need to clean this a bit because it’s a bit messy
the code for the win32 wrapper is free and can be downloaded from :
so Jason, what about a pinball machine , that would be nice I think :wip: