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[Closed] system.drawing.pen?


What am I doing wrong here?

aColor = dotNetClass "system.drawing.color"
aPen = dotNetObject "system.drawing.pen" aColor 2 
14 Replies

You need to set color first.

aColor = dotNetClass "system.drawing.color"
aColor = aColor.fromargb 255 255 255
aPen = dotNetObject "system.drawing.pen" aColor 2 

you probably need to pass it an actual color from the .fromARGB method rather than the class.

How come you get your own dotnet class paul?

-- aColor = dotNetClass "system.drawing.color"
aColor = (dotNetClass "system.drawing.color").yellow -- it must be the object
aPen = dotNetObject "system.drawing.pen" aColor 2 


now I know I’m tired:S What an idiot, thanks guys.


OK next questions I have a label, I want to draw a line in it. I’m using sender.createGraphics() and then creating a pen and drawing the line. Works only for a second. I get a flash of the line and then it is gone. Any idea what is wrong?

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draw in bitmap and use this bitmap as label’s image…


I would rather not have to draw in a bitMap. I should just be able to draw into the label as I am and have it stay.

I’m doing it in a function that is being called from the mouseDown handler.

you are doing everything right… i don’t see a problem

try(destroydialog drawRol) catch()
rollout drawRol "Draw in Label"
 dotNetControl lb "System.Windows.Forms.Label" width:180 height:30 pos:[10, 10]
 local pen = dotNetObject "system.drawing.pen" (dotNetClass "system.drawing.color").red 2  
 on lb mouseDown s e do
  g = s.createGraphics() 
  g.DrawLine pen 0 e.y s.bounds.width e.y
createdialog drawRol width:200 height:50

something forces labels redraw…


Look like I have to do it with the paint event. As soon as I did that it stays.
So I’m using the labels paint event and the to keep it updated.


This is very slow to update. What do I call to stop the display until it is drawn?

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