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[Closed] Svn?

Oh completely forgot. There is a free book on version control with subversion that sure helped me to get started. Available online as html or pdf:

Kind Regards,


Thanks Thorsten, great info. Looks like a number of people here are already using Tortoise so I might just go with it as I can then have a good place for answers if we get stuck.

I’ve recently had to start using SVN for a contract.

I tried to use the Tortoise front end but have now switched to SmartSVN.

So far SmartSVN is more intuitive for me ( I’m coming from a Perforce background).

I find it easier to track what is happening using its central browser; Tortoise’s windows explorer integration felt awkward and I kept getting hung up with changes that I couldn’t commit.

There is a free version and a $79 ‘pro’ edition (with a 30 day trial of the pro)



Thanks Mike, I’ll give that a look, $79 is nothing so if it works well then I will consider it. Does it have the same sorts of features as Tortoise?

Hi Pen, i’m workin in an animation film project here in Spain. We’ve been working with svn and tortoise as well as with smartSvn, without many problems. We,ve a data server with the project repository and it’s quite quick, so your slowdown could be caused by internet tranfering.

Sorry for my poor english.


I use SVN at work, but I would probably use GIT if I had to start something new. I read quite a bit of documentation about it and it looks great and well documented. And it’s free…

But I don’t think svn would be a bad idea either.

we’ve implemented GIT for our development needs and other then a few glitches here and there it really works well.
They’ve actually connected it into 3dsmax so all the branch management and all the other main features are handled directly inside max.


I have talked to others out side of the 3D industry using Git but not in yet so this is good to hear. It does also look like it has a good feature set and free is the perfect price.

You can also use SlikSVN if you want a command line tool for using Subversion. It seems to work well but I haven’t used it that much for the moment. I guess the combination Tortoise/SlikSVN is quite nice for using Subversion in windows.
Actually I’m trying to implement it in Maxscript Editor (Scite), in which autodesk added a nice “File > source control” menu with add/delete/checkin/checkout functions that you can customize in a .properties file:

# Source Control
sourcecontrol.add.command=svn add "$(FilePath)"
sourcecontrol.remove.command=svn delete "$(FilePath)"
sourcecontrol.checkin.command=svn commit "$(FilePath)" -m "commit effectué depuis 3dsmax"
sourcecontrol.checkout.command=svn update "$(FilePath)"

but I can’t manage to make the “add” function do anything (doesn’t even send a command). has anyone already met this problem?
however having the checkin/checkout functions working is really comfortable…

note for Johan/JHN: I’m using tortoise through a VPN at the moment and it’s working pretty well, but it’s for barely a hundred scripts so I’m a little debious now


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