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[Closed] SVG as a mask
Dec 06, 2016 7:41 pm
I’d like to have a mask without saving it to disk.
So I’ve tried to use maxscript generated svg as mask but it doesn’t seem to work that way.
And it works as expected with alphaSource property set to RGB Intensity
v.alphaSource = 1
fn addRect x y width height = (
"<rect x=\"" + (x*width) as string + "\" y=\"" + (y*height) as string + "\" height=\"" + height as string + "\" width=\"" + width as string + "\" style=\"fill: #ffffff\"/>"
fn generateSrc = (
src = "<svg xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\">"
size = 1024.0
w = 64
h = 64
width = size / w
height = size / h
for y = 1 to h do (
for x = 1 to w do (
chance = (x as float) / w
if random 0.0 1.0 <= chance do (
src += addRect (x-1) (y-1) width height
src += "</svg>"
delete objects
v = vectormap()
v.SetSvgString (generateSrc())
v.alphaSource = 1
m = Mix()
m.mask = v
meditMaterials[1].diffuseMap = m
meditMaterials[2].diffuseMap = v
MatEditor.mode = #basic
activemeditslot = 1
actionMan.executeAction 2 "40296"
activemeditslot = 2
actionMan.executeAction 2 "40296"