[Closed] Suppressing missing BIP file message
Hey there,
I’m dealing with a bunch of legacy max files that also contain references to a bunch of BIP files (each max file points to one BIP file).
I’ve written a little tool to import the legacy max file, export the BIP, load the new character rig, apply the new BIP and save out the new max file.
Unfortunately, BIPs don’t seem to respect quiet:true or any of the other message suppressing attributes associated with loadMaxFile.
Does anybody know of another way to suppress the BIP specific messages, or suppress all messages on load? I’ve tried SetQuiteMode true and loadMaxFile anim missingExtFilesList:&val missingExtFilesAction:#logmsg quite:true, but no luck on either of those.
Any suggestions are appreciated.
Look into dialogMonitorOps and UIAccessor. The first will let you detect dialogs popping up, the second will let you interact with them; e.g. push a button.