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[Closed] superClassOf in multithreading

first of all you have to get this error message:
– Compile error: No outer local variable references permitted here: getSubmats
– In line: getSubmats p

if I defined it at the top:

local getSubmats, capitalizeFirst, formatName

then I don’t get this error.

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Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

check my example above… my idea is to organize ‘recursion’ in a thread scope. defining getSubmats outside you move it out of thread scope to the main scope

there are errors in your code… it’s not a problem of a using of multi-threading. just errors. fix them first.

you can make tree using getSubMtl as well

searching in ArrayParameter for materials is slow and not correct

you expect that a sub-material can be stored in ‘flat’ material property or in an array property. this is not true generally. i can write a material where you will not see any ‘material’ property. but my material will have sub-materials, and they will be shown and editable in the material editor for example.

getSubMtl and setSubMtl are only safe methods to get access to sub-materials. anything else is a ‘lucky’ coincidence.

Do you mean this:

 		struct matDef (mat, path)
 		fn capitalizeFirst str = 
 			str[1] = toUpper str[1]
 		fn formatName mat index: =
 			if isKindOf mat TextureMap OR index == unsupplied then
 				capitalizeFirst ((classOf mat) as string) + "\\"
 			else (substituteString (substituteString (getSubTexmapSlotName mat index) " map" "")" Map" "") + "\\"
 		fn getAllMaterilas mat mats:#() path:"" format:"" = 
 			local matInst = matDef mat:mat path:(path + format)
 			append subInMats matInst
 			if iskindof mat Material do 
 				append mats mat
 				for k=1 to (getNumSubMtls mat) do getAllMaterilas (getSubMtl mat k) mats:mats path:(path + format) format:("\\" + formatName mat)
 		local current_mtl = mEdit.getCurMtl()
 		local subMatInsts = getAllMaterilas current_mtl
 		for matInst in subMatInsts do
 		  print matInst.path

what is ‘material’ path for you? every material can have many different paths. as many as number of its references.

It is important for my interior scenes, I can see where is this texture from, is it collected or not, as so on. It saves a lot of time, really.

In an addition with a bit more code, I get these results:

Texture: \\12_CORE-PC\Project 2012\zagotovki\materials and textures\wallpapers_seamless\Eijffinger_B_W_397655.jpg
   MAP TREE: Blend\Diffuse\
   Texture: \\12_CORE-PC\Project 2012\zagotovki\materials and textures\wallpapers_seamless\Eijffinger_B_W_397655_bg.jpg
   MAP TREE: Blend\Bump\


accidentally added

Now, Denis, what’s next? how to solve “No outer local variable references permitted here:”?

    	local ww=#(#(),#())
    	struct matDef (mat, path)	
    	fn workMaterialD s e =
    		format "% thread Done. Results: %
" e.Result.value[1] e.Result.value[2]
    	fn workMaterial s e = 
    		fn capitalizeFirst str = 
    			str[1] = toUpper str[1]
    		fn formatName mat index: =
    			if isKindOf mat TextureMap OR index == unsupplied then
    				capitalizeFirst ((classOf mat) as string) + "\\"
    			else (substituteString (substituteString (getSubTexmapSlotName mat index) " map" "")" Map" "") + "\\"
    		fn getAllMaterilas mat subInMats:#() mats:#() path:"" format:"" = 
    			local matInst = matDef mat:mat path:(path + format)
    			append subInMats matInst
    			if iskindof mat Material do 
    				append mats mat
    				for k=1 to (getNumSubMtls mat) do getAllMaterilas (getSubMtl mat k) subInMats:subInMats mats:mats path:(path + format) format:(formatName mat)
    		fn recurseMat mat path:"" =
    			for i = 1 to (getNumSubTexmaps mat) where (local map = getSubTexmap mat i) != undefined do
    					if getNumSubTexmaps map > 0 then
    						recurseMat map path:(path + formatName mat index:i)
    					else if isKindOf map BitmapTexture do
    						format "Texture: %
" map.filename
    						format (path + formatName mat index:i + "

    		fn workwiththismat thismat r:#() =
    			local subMatInsts = getSubmats thismat 
    			append r subMatInsts
    		workwiththismat val.material r:val.result
    		e.Result = dotnetmxsvalue #(val.thread, val.result)
    	mythreads = #()
    	mythreads[1] = dotNetObject "CSharpUtilities.SynchronizingBackgroundWorker"
    	mythreads[2] = dotNetObject "CSharpUtilities.SynchronizingBackgroundWorker"
    	dotnet.addEventHandler myThreads[1] "DoWork" workMaterial
    	dotnet.addEventHandler myThreads[2] "DoWork" workMaterial
    	dotNet.addEventHandler mythreads[1]  "RunWorkerCompleted" workMaterialD
    	dotNet.addEventHandler mythreads[2]  "RunWorkerCompleted" workMaterialD
    	struct MaterialData(thread, material, result = #())
    	ww[1] = MaterialData thread:1 material:(multimaterial numsubs:(random 60 100)) 
    	myThreads[1].runworkerasync (dotnetmxsvalue ww[1])
    	ww[2] = MaterialData thread:2 material:(multimaterial numsubs:(random 60 100)) 
    	myThreads[2].runworkerasync (dotnetmxsvalue ww[2])
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