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[Closed] suggestion for a open source project.

there is now a new build of plugin.
But I now get a error with x64 build.
I’ve notified him.

Error Loading DLLs

DLL <C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2011\PlugIns\hotOcean_Max_2010.dlm> failed to initialize.
Error code 127 – The specified procedure could not be found.


Build 022311, solve major memory leak, increase resolution limit, support for max 2009 to 2011

Error code 127 again for me but not in the previous dlm (in that only memory leak)

support for 3dsmax 2012 is added.

Hi All
I tried my script “Ocean Plane” (beta version) with great modifier “hot4max”.
The mesh count 300/400 k polygons, change according to view.
See the Video

Link to Script

do you made also a viewport vid?

only not nice looking things are the visible repetitions of the planes…

yes the repetition is what I als oexperienced. Otherwise the plugin would be really cool.

Hi all, here find new version of script.



ocean plane script gives a little error. saying “transform –undefined–”

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