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[Closed] struct + RCmenu Bug


Can anyone confirm this is a bug:

struct jhn 
	_menu = rcmenu _menu
		subMenu "File"
			menuItem mi_close "Close" --checked:false
	_ui = rollout _ui ""
		button ng "o"

JHN = jhn()

The above gives an error

struct jhn 
	_ui = rollout _ui ""
		button ng "o"
	_menu = rcmenu _menu
		subMenu "File"
			menuItem mi_close "Close" --checked:false

JHN = jhn()

The next script works…!? Looks like rcmenu’s doen’t play nice with structs…


11 Replies

It gets weirder

struct jhn 
	_menu = rcmenu _menu
		subMenu "File"
			menuItem mi_close "Close" --checked:false
	_ui = rollout _ui ""
		button ng "o"

JHN = jhn()

It’s the same code as the first example only the comma is placed on a newline…and now it works!? I’m helped with that, but as a syntactical junkie, I’m not amused


confirmed in max 2009. weird…


Something that I have always done is put everything in a functions. So just wrap the RC menu in a function and call the function. I do this for the rollouts as well and then store the result of the rollout back in a local variable in the struct.

I should mention that the run function is like a toggle for the UI now.

struct jhn 
 	fn menu_Fn=
 		rcmenu _menu
 			subMenu "File"
 				menuItem mi_close "Close" --checked:false
 	fn rollout_fn=
 		rollout _ui ""
 			button ng "o"
 	fn run=
 		if uiRollout!=undefined then
 			destroyDialog uiRollout
 			createDialog uiRollout menu:(menu_Fn())
 JHN = jhn()

Hi Paul,
I feel I shouldn’t wrap my menu’s in function, that way it’s also a bit hard to get access to them. When placed in a struct I can still write values to local variables in the menu, because I can easily access them through the struct object modell. If I spawn them from a function I can’t do that easily… It’s also presonal preference to “wrap” as less as possible.

Gravey, I used 2009 as well, should have mentioned that. Thanks for confirming though!


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Hi Johan,

You can use wrapper functions and still access the rollout/rcmenu just as you would if you assigned them directly. Just assign the resulting rcmenu/rollout to a local struct variable (like Paul did for the rollout in his example), so to exapnd on Paul’s code, you’d add a struct variable _menu, and in the run function add _menu = menu_Fn. This will create the menu and assign it to the _menu variable, and from that point on, you can access it just as you would in you code.

BTW, you can automatically initialize the rollout and rcmenu when the struct is instanciated as I explain here.

hOpe this helps,


Just so you know it wasn’t working in 2008 either. Have you ever had this work?

Seems like you must have a newline after the closing parenthesis of an rcmenu inside a struct (you can’t follow it with a comma on the same line)

This doesn’t give a syntax error:

struct jhn 
   	_menu = rcmenu _menu
   		subMenu "File"
   			menuItem mi_close "Close" --checked:false
   	_ui = rollout _ui ""
   		button ng "o"
   JHN = jhn()

But this does:

struct jhn 
  	_ui = rollout _ui ""
  		button ng "o"
  	_menu = rcmenu _menu
  		subMenu "File"
  			menuItem mi_close "Close" --checked:false
  	foo = "foo"
  JHN = jhn()

(checked in Max9 & Max2009)


No, this is the first time I’m building a tool with this struct/dialog/rcmenu declaration, so I sort of stumbled upon this. I’m sticking with the newline + comma markup, adding a comment behind it not to alter it.

Yes I figured that too, so i’m sticking with the syntactical wrong notation to get it right



That is just wacky. All I have to say.


Hi Ofer,

Yes I already do the init “trick” with my script, but for the sake of this bug I totally stripped my script. Indeed I see you can catch a menu when you assign the return of a function to a variable If you return the menu, thanks for that, but it still makes me wonder why you would want that, I don’t see the advantage over just declaring it in the struct directly (apart from the whacky bug). Only thing I can think of is when you have lots of menu’s and don’t need all of them at the same time, then you could just init a menu that you would like. Am I right in thinking so?


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