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[Closed] stringstream and folder names

hi guys,

I have a question about the strings literals.

When I’m using a stringstream, and the folder name starts with n, r or t it doesn’t work.

imgNum += 1
locImg = locDir + matLibTemp[imgNum].name
str = "" as stringstream
format "(
	seaSurfcustToolsRollout.btnMat0%.images = #(\"%.jpg\", undefined, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
)" i locImg  to: str
execute (str as string)

how could I fix it?

2 Replies

Try this:

format “(
seaSurfcustToolsRollout.btnMat0%.images = #([b]@[/b]”%.jpg”, undefined, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
)” i locImg to: str

thanks man.
works fine