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[Closed] string pharsing

I have a small problem, just need to do this:
“aaabbbccc.123” —> cut after “.” to “aaabbbccc”


4 Replies
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Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

Couple of options:

 str = "aaabbbccc.123"
substr1 = substring str 1 ((findString str ".")-1)
substr2 = (filterString str ".")[1]

In both cases, it is a good idea to make sure the period “.” actually exists in the string before attempting to truncate.

Like this:

thePos = findString str "."
if thePos != undefined then 
  substr = substring str 1 (thePos-1) 
  substr = str 

u cud try this, i cant think any other method right now…

mytext = "aaabbbccc.123"
newtext = ""
for i in 1 to mytext.count while mytext[i] != "." do
newtext += mytext[i]
print newtext

i hope this helps!



If you have a more recent version of Max (R6 and R7 only, I think) you could also do:

trimRight “aaabbbccc.123” “.123”

Personally I’d use fillterString(), subString(), or trimRight() before the loop the first respondent wrote. It’s always better to use the functions MaxScript provides – less chances for bugs, usually faster, and makes your code easier to understand.