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[Closed] stop createdialog from returning 'true'

I have function that looks for specified filepath.
if doesFileExist == true, it returns the filepath;
if doesFileExist == false, it use createdialog to popup a UI for the user to specify an alternative.
this gets called as part of a larger data gathering process.

the problem: createdialog returns true, which gets passed as a result of the function before the user can interact.

a simplified version:

fn findFile filename = (
		if doesFileExist (filename) then (
			format "FOUND:  %
" filename
			return filename
			format "...handling Missing file...
			rollout popUp ("missing: " +filename )
				--place holder rollout stuff
				fn closeMe=(DestroyDialog popUp)
				button btn "close"
				on btn pressed do
					return "some alternative texture path chosen by user"
			dialog=createdialog popUp ismodal:true width:330

Is there a way to prevent createdialog form returning true?

4 Replies

fn confirmFilename file: = 
	if iskindof file string and doesfileexist file then file else
		rollout dialog "Alt Filename" width:200
			local result 
			button confirm_bt "Confirm" width:90 align:#left offset:[-4,0] across:2
			button cancel_bt "Cancel" width:90 align:#right offset:[4,0] 
			on confirm_bt pressed do
				result = "alt"
				destroydialog dialog 
			on cancel_bt pressed do destroydialog dialog 
		createdialog dialog modal:on

it’s the wrong argument name

thanks (again) Dennis


 local result



plus fixing


did the trick.

the using of right things usually works