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[Closed] std mat with nested maps

Can`t figure out how to create std material with two or more nested maps.

something like this

2 Replies
     	-- Create the Checker texture
     	checkerTexture = checker()
     	-- Create the RGB Tint map
     	RGBMap = rgbTint()
     	-- Assign the Checker texture to the RGB Tint map
     	RGBMap.map1 = checkerTexture
     	-- Create a Standard material and assign the RGB Tint map to the diffuse channel
     	theMaterial = standard diffusemap:RGBMap
     	-- Set the Slot 1 of the Material Editor to this material.
     	-- Not really needed but useful for testing
     	meditmaterials[1] = theMaterial

In one line it would look like this:

meditmaterials[1] = standard diffusemap:(rgbTint map1:(checker()))

…but it would be much harder to setup individual textures parameters, so I would not recomend using it.

thank you very much