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[Closed] start simulate in cloth modifier

hi! first, excuse my English.

I ‘m trying to get a start button simulate of Cloth modifier

 On Button pressed do

but… in MaxScript Reference

  [left]<void>simulate  <boolean>show_dialog
  [left]Starts  the simulation. If the parameter is true, shows the simulation  dialog.

I don´t understand. Someone can help me?

5 Replies

on button pressed do
theObject.modifiers[#cloth].simulate true -- starts simulation with the simulation dialog

that’s assuming that theObject is the object with the cloth modifier applied

I tried this…

 def = attributes GenerarSimulacion
 	rollout rSimulacion "Crear simulacion"
 		Button onSim "Generar"
 		on onSim pressed do
 			$Cloth.modifiers[#Cloth].simulate true 
 custAttributes.add $.modifiers[1] def

in this scene …
and does not work

why you’re using a custom attribute for this? I mean, you already have the “simulate” button in the interface for the cloth modifier…

Well …
attempt to facilitate the work of animators …
Two buttons …
1- Simulate in viewport
2- Simulata on render (SimOnRender = true)

nothing more … and this practice MaxScript: D

ikerClon has helped me,
one had to select $cloth