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[Closed] spring controller On/Off

To whom it may concern,


I am working on the movie right now.
I have a question to ask about a scene.

When I load the max file, I search the objects that are applied with the spring controller.
If I find the objects with the spring controller, what will be the script to change that
objects’ iteration value to 0(zero)?

I am doing this because the speed is going slow when I worked the objects with the spring controller.
So I thought that if I put the iteration value to 0(zero), then that will be functioned as I
turn off the spring controller on the objects.
Do you have any other suggestion to turn on/off the spring controller?
Or do you have any other script for that?

Please advise me.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.


7 Replies

Turning the iterations to 0 the X,Y,Z to 0 or if the spring is in a list turning the weight of the list to 0 all will stop the spring controller from evaluating.

Not sure if this is the best way but this should get you started,

make a selection set of all your spring controlled objects so you can easily select them all.
in the listener type:

[size=2]for i in selection do (i.pos.controller.steps = 0)

this sets all the spring controller iterations to Zero. For spring controllers nested in position lists try:

[size=2]for i in selection do (i.pos.controller.Spring.controller.steps = 0)

You could convert this into a button, or add a bit of conditonal code to make an on/off toggle button.

I don’t make selection set of all my spring controlled objects.because so many files…
First of all, I want to search all the spring controlled object in the file and then
change the iteration value of the objects.

Then how can I make the script for searching the spring controlled objects?


You will need a recursive functions that searchs for spring controllers as they could be any amount of list controllers deep on the position track.

I don’t have time to whip you up one now but I will see what I can do later for you.


Try this out. You could use it to search for any controller by class and then do what ever you want with it.

  fn searchCons node conClass=
  	if node!=undefined then
  		if (classOf node)==conClass then
  			append cons node
  		for i = 1 to node.numSubs do
  			searchCons node[i].controller conClass
  fn springOnOff steps=
  	for o in objects do
  		searchCons o.pos.controller SpringPositionController
  	for c in cons do
  /* Test
  springOnOff 2

The getClassInstances method is ideal for this:

-- get all instances of the <SpringPositionController>
springCtrlArray = getClassInstances SpringPositionController

-- set the <steps> property for all instances to 2
springCtrlArray.steps = 2
  • Martijn

Oh ya right. You know I always forget about that. Thanks for reminding me, I’m so used to writting recursive functions I just go for that each time.