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[Closed] splitting a mesh based on a similar mesh

Sorry if the title is a little vague… this is what I’m trying to do:

  I'm working on converting a track mesh from an old racing game. There are two 3rd party apps that allow me to convert the model so I can load it in max.
  I.One app exports the track in segments (like it should be), but with a lot of flipped polys and missing some mapping.

  II.The other app imports the mesh perfectly but as a single object.

  I need to have the track segmented for setting the visual load values and material settings for the game engine so I was trying to script splitting the single mesh(II) into the segments from (I). 
  This is how I attempted to do this - please don't laugh, I'm still very green with maxscript  :)
  1.Merge I & II
  2.Explode all the faces in (II) as objects
  3.Extrude (I) to make the surface into 3d object
  4.Use a grouping script.. the logic being: join together all the objects from (2.) who's pivot are inside the volume of the extruded segments from (3.)
  (based on [Kramsurfer's grouping box]( 
      tnCount = 0 --counter for garbage collection
      myTrack = $trackobj* as array --make an array of all the boxed track sections from app1
      myObjects = $object* as array --make an array of all the face-objects from app2
      hide myTrack --hides all boxed track sections from app1
      for Obj in myTrack do
      unhide Obj --unhides one box at a time for grouping
      tnArea = Obj
      local NewObject = undefined
      for chkObj in myObjects do
      ( -- if not the box, but within the volume, attach.
      tnCount +=1
      if ( mod tnCount 100 == 0) do gc() --garbage collection
      if chkObj != tnArea and chkObj.ishidden == false then
      if chkObj.pos.x > tnArea.min.x and chkObj.pos.x < tnArea.max.x then
      if chkObj.pos.y > tnArea.min.y and chkObj.pos.y < tnArea.max.y then
      if chkObj.pos.z > tnArea.min.z and chkObj.pos.z < tnArea.max.z then
      if NewObject == undefined then
      NewObject = ChkObj
      convertToMesh NewObject = "_" +
      attach NewObject chkObj
      hide Obj --hide box after joining all objects in volume
  I can't get this to work so I was hoping someone could suggest a different approach.
7 Replies

Just a wild shot pseudo code:

for i in “model I” objects)
create new mesh name = “segmentnr i”
for q in “model I”.mesh i.faces
for u in “model II faces”
if( raycast +/- intersect “model I”[i].face[q] “model II”.face[u] )
detach “model II”.face[u]
attach to “segmentnr i”

Thanks noontz.

 I tried filling out your pseudo code in steps..

        (1)	for i in "model I" objects    
        	create new mesh name = "segmentnr i"
        (2)	for q in "model I".mesh i.faces
        (3)	for u in "model II faces"
        (4)	if( raycast +/- intersect "model I"[i].face[q] "model  II".face[u] )
        (5)	detach "model II".face[u]
        	attach to "segmentnr i"
         myTrack = $track 
         myObjects = $trackobj* as array
         faceCountII = myTrack.getnumfaces()		
         faceTestII = ((myTrack.getnumfaces()) != 0)	
         for Obj in myTrack do --(1)
        	local NewObject = undefined
        	convertToMesh NewObject =  "_" +	
        	faceCountI = Obj.getnumfaces()		
        	for q in 1 to faceCountI do	--(2)
        		for u in 1 to faceCountII while faceTestII do --(3)
 I've been reading up on Intersectray, but haven't been able to figure out (4) & (5).  Can anyone help me out with those?

Thanks again.

Sorry for bumping my own thread, but I took another shot at it. I think I’m getting close but it’s giving me an arror (in [color=white]red[/color]). Does anyone know what I might have done wrong?

   myTrack = $track
   mySegments = $trackobj* as array
   faceCount_T = myTrack.getnumfaces()	  
   faceTest_T = ((myTrack.getnumfaces()) != 0)  
   	for i in mySegments do 
   	convertTo i (Editable_Poly)
   	local NewSegment = undefined
   	faceCount_S = i.getnumfaces()  
   		for q in 1 to faceCount_S do	
   		r=ray q.pos [0,0,-1]
   			for u in 1 to faceCount_T while faceTest_T do 
   				if(intersectray u r) != undefined then
   				polyOp.detachFaces MyTrack #{u} delete:true asNode:true name:"Face"
   					if NewSegment == undefined then
   						NewSegment = Face
   						convertTo NewSegment (Editable_Poly) =  "_" +
   						attach NewSegment Face

faceCount_S = i.getnumfaces()
for q in 1 to faceCount_S do
r=ray q.pos [0,0,-1]

Firstly what is the error ?
but does q actually have a pos ? It looks to be derived from faceCount_S which will only return the amount of faces in a mesh not the actual face itself…(p.s I’m not a programmer )

Try replacing your error line with…

r = ray (polyop.getFaceCenter i q) [0, 0, -1]

Untested, as I don’t have Max in front of me, but it looks like it’ll work.



Thanks Andreas I changed that section of code and it’s not breaking there anymore. One last thing… I can’t figure out how to reference the face for the intersectray test. I tried defining it (red code) but I’m getting a “–No “convertTo” function for undefined” error. (in green)

    myTrack = $track
    mySegments = $trackobj* as array
    faceCount_T = myTrack.getnumfaces()	
    faceTest_T = ((myTrack.getnumfaces()) != 0)
    	for i in mySegments do
    	convertTo i (Editable_Poly)
    	local NewSegment = undefined
    	faceCount_S = i.getnumfaces()
    		for q in 1 to faceCount_S do 
    		r = ray (polyOp.getFaceCenter i q) [0, 0, -1]
    			for u in 1 to faceCount_T while faceTest_T do
    				polyOp.detachFaces MyTrack u delete:false asNode:true name:"tempFace"
    				local uSel = tempFace
    				convertTo uSel (Editable_Poly)
    				if(intersectray uSel r) != undefined then
    				polyOp.detachFaces MyTrack u delete:true asNode:true name:"Face"
    					if NewSegment == undefined then
    						NewSegment = Face
    						convertTo NewSegment (Editable_Poly)
 =  "_" +
    						attach NewSegment Face

Although slow, this worked:

Undo off ()
    myTrack = $track
    mySegments = $trackobj* as array
    faceCount_T = myTrack.getnumfaces()	 
    faceTest_T = ((myTrack.getnumfaces()) != 0) 
    with redraw off 
    	for i in mySegments do
    			convertTo i (Editable_Poly)
    			local NewSegment = undefined
    			for u = polyop.getNumFaces myTrack to 1 by -1 do 
    				r = ray (polyOp.getFaceCenter myTrack u) [0, 0, -1]
    				polyOp.detachFaces MyTrack #{u} delete:false asNode:true name:"tempFace"
    				local uSel = $tempFace
    				convertTo uSel (Editable_Poly)
    				if(intersectray i r) != undefined then
    					if NewSegment == undefined then
    						NewSegment = uSel
    						convertTo NewSegment (Editable_Poly)
 =  "_" +
    						polyOp.attach NewSegment uSel
    				else delete uSel

Hope somebody finds this useful…