[Closed] splineops Attach?
I am trying to attach one spline to another
I am having no luck with
splineops.startAttach MySpline
once in this mode I can not seem to add other splines through script.
Generally I have a hard time any type any time of ops… Meshops, polyops, splineops… is there something in the documents that I am missing…
Thanks for the help.
The splineOps structure only contains methods to start certain operations, which all require user interaction. So splineOps.startAttach for example presses the corresponding button in the UI and waits for the user to pick another shape.
What you’re looking for is addAndWeld. Here’s a description from the online reference:
addAndWeld <to_shape> <from_shape> <weldthreshold_float>
Add the splines from one spline shape to the specified bezier shape. The weld threshold will weld the endpoints of the new splines onto endpoints of existing ones if they are within the distance specified.