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[Closed] splineCode | Usefull-ish function


So I want to generate splineshapes for some script I have and I want to use an existing spline as a template.
This function generates code that generates a spline shape, it also generates a scale variable that you can then use to scale the spline at will.


	fn splineCode node:selection[1] =
		-- returns a string with code
		if isValidNode node and (isKindOf node SplineShape or isKindOf node line) then
			local res = stringStream ""
			format "
ss = SplineShape()
" to:res
			format "scl = 1.0
" to:res
			for spl = 1 to numSplines node do 
				format "addNewSpline ss
" to:res
				for knot = 1 to numKnots node spl do
					in coordsys node
						local segType = getSegmentType node spl knot
						local inVec = getInVec node spl knot 
						local pVec = getKnotPoint node spl knot 
						local outVec = getOutVec node spl knot 
						local knotType = getKnotType node spl knot 
					format "addKnot ss % % % (% * scl) (% * scl) (% * scl) %
" spl knotType segType pVec inVec outVec knot to:res
				if isClosed node spl then
					format "close ss %
" spl to:res
			format "updateShape ss

" to:res
			res as string
		) else (
	-- Select a spline shape
	print (splineCode())

So on a custom shape that generates:

ss = SplineShape()
scl = 2.0
addNewSpline ss
addKnot ss 1 #bezier #curve ([-23.8239,-15.1542,0] * scl) ([-21.9166,-0.689846,0] * scl) ([-25.7312,-29.6185,0] * scl) 1
addKnot ss 1 #bezier #curve ([-1.87113,-39.2203,0] * scl) ([-8.22427,-36.4951,0] * scl) ([4.482,-41.9456,0] * scl) 2
addKnot ss 1 #bezier #curve ([18.6321,-42.5361,0] * scl) ([13.4698,-52.6562,0] * scl) ([23.7944,-32.4159,0] * scl) 3
addKnot ss 1 #bezier #line ([22.4952,-17.3432,0] * scl) ([25.7183,-25.207,0] * scl) ([19.2721,-9.47944,0] * scl) 4
addKnot ss 1 #bezier #curve ([13.1464,-2.8932,0] * scl) ([20.5654,-5.9245,0] * scl) ([5.72743,0.138096,0] * scl) 5
addKnot ss 1 #bezier #line ([-21.1431,9.70307,0] * scl) ([-9.70549,7.40523,0] * scl) ([-32.5807,12.0009,0] * scl) 6
addKnot ss 1 #bezier #curve ([-13.1005,29.8254,0] * scl) ([-27.979,44.4597,0] * scl) ([1.77809,15.191,0] * scl) 7
addKnot ss 1 #bezier #curve ([-5.31821,14.1593,0] * scl) ([-20.8772,6.45415,0] * scl) ([10.2408,21.8645,0] * scl) 8
addKnot ss 1 #bezier #curve ([-4.73726,45.3788,0] * scl) ([12.9076,40.0901,0] * scl) ([-22.3821,50.6675,0] * scl) 9
addKnot ss 1 #corner #line ([-37.9191,30.7246,0] * scl) ([-30.1506,40.696,0] * scl) ([-29.9178,15.0174,0] * scl) 10
close ss 1
updateShape ss

Usage: Select a splineshape or line and run the code. In the listener there’s new code generated. Copy/paste and run it to produce an exact duplicate of the other spline. Usefull for rigginng controls etc.

It’s not fully tested for all cases, but so far it works out.

Hope it’s of any use to someone,


2 Replies

i can make life more easier for absolutely lazy person… just by putting the generated code not in the listener but directly in the clipboard


It shocks me to you hear you saying that, oh great maxscript teacher
But if I get enough likes or +1’s I will make the necessary adjustments
