[Closed] Spline Vertex animation
Hi everyone,
I am a new guy to max script and getting in to it slowly. I want to create a tool to create a spline between two picked objects and animate the vertices as a electric shock. The animation is happening but only for one vertex in the forloop. code is given below.
Rollout electric "Create Electric wave"
local startObj,
pickbutton pickObj01 "Pick Wave Start"
label startobj_lbl "---None---"
pickbutton pickObj02 "Pick Wave End"
label endobj_lbl "---None---"
spinner numVert "Num of Verts: " range:[0,100,6] type:#integer--
button create "Create Bolt"
button anim "Animate"
fn createSpline =
sS = splineShape pos:startObj.pos name:"animShape"
addnewspline sS
addknot sS 1 #Corner #line startObj.pos
addknot sS 1 #Corner #line endObj.pos
select sS
subdividesegment sS 1 1 numVert.value
select sS
allvert = numknots sS
for i = 1 to allvert do
setKnotType sS 1 i #corner
updateShape sS
convertToSplineShape sS
fn animateSpline =
local sS = $animShape,
animStart = animationRange.start,
animEnd = animationRange.end,
vertcount = numknots sS
animatevertex sS #all
animate on
for t in animStart to animEnd by 2 do
for i in 3 to vertcount-1 do
at time t
sS[4][8][i].controller = bezier_point3()
sS[4][8][i].controller.value= random [5,5,5] [-5,-5,-5]
updateshape sS
on pickObj01 picked obj do
startObj = obj
startobj_lbl.text = obj.name
on pickObj02 picked obj do
endObj = obj
endobj_lbl.text = obj.name
on create pressed do
createSpline ()
on anim pressed do
createDialog electric
I haven’t read all your code carefully but I’m pretty sure you don’t want to reset the controller of each vertex for every frame:
sS[4][8][i].controller = bezier_point3()
you probably want to do this once before the loop.
I am basically trying to set the number of vertex from the spinner input and want to animate the vertices from 2 to total vertex count-1. I want to change the position of the vertex for every 2 frames in the animation Range. And forgot to add to ask how would i get the current position of the vertexes so that i want to move them only -5 to 5 in every axis randomly. Hope I made it clear what i want.
Thank you
each vertex has 3 controller values in/vertex/out, you just have to animate the vertex values. To animate from second vertex to count-1 you could use this
for i = 2 to vertexcount-1 do
at time t
k = (i * 3) - 1
sS[4][8][k].controller.value = random [5,5,5] [-5,-5,-5]